Blog über Carl Huter´s Original-Menschenkenntnis & Kallsiophie, nichtakademisch, im aktuellen Kontext.

Donnerstag, 3. November 2011


Comment by Diplom Psychologe Wolfgang Timm, HUSUM&MADRID: Vorweg: Es geht um RETTUNG VON BANKEN, nicht um die Rettung von Staaten. Den FINANZ-"ELITEN" der Alten Weltordnung, Neusprech NWO (ist nicht neu, sondern alt, Stichwort ROM) sind Staaten und insbesondere DER MENSCH voellig egal, ja diese sozusagen SCHWARZ-MAGISCHEN NWO-"ELITEN" taten alles den Menschen in seiner per se unlimitierten Potentialität als auch Spirituelles Wesen unten zu halten, zu versklaven, insbesondere durch Verschuldung und eben GELD-MANIPULSTIONEN GLOBAL.

Am 23. August 2011 wurden potentielle unterirdische Staedte und TUNNELANLAGEN im Raum Washington DC., die den "ELITEN" als Fluchtmoeglichkeit galt nach einen globalen Geplanten ATOMKRIEG auf der ERDOBERFLAECHE, zur eiskalten Massentoetung von Milliarden Menschen, ZERSTOERT. Nach Privatrecherchen by W. Timm fuer Carl-Huter-Zentral-Archiv (enge Kooperation mit PHYSIOGNOMISCHE GESELLSCHAFT SCHWEIZ, PGS, in Zuerich) befindet sich die groesste UNTERIRDISCHE ANLAGE fuer NWO-"ELITE" in NORWEGEN.

Zunächst Artikel vom STERN, wo ein BANKER klar zum Ausdruck bringt: Es geht nur um BANKENRETTUNG! Dann der zentrale Artikel und Hintergrund-INFORMATIONEN zum global vernetzten gigantischen UNTERIRDISCHEN TUNNEL-SYSTEM FUER "ELITE" (kein Zutritt fuer Normalo-Erdling auf der Erdoberfläche).


© Karlheinz Schindler/DPA
Karsten Schröder, 34
... ist Chef des Hedgefonds Amplitude Capital, der im schweizerischen Zug, Suffolk, Großbrittanien und im Steuerparadies der Cayman Inseln residiert. Der Fonds arbeitet nach eigenen Angaben für institutionellen Anleger, darunter Pensionskassen aus den USA und Kanada. Schröder ist gebürtiger Rostocker und mittlerweile häufig gesehener Gast in Talkshows.

Herr Schröder, Sie sind Hedgefonds-Manager. Sie gelten als Teil des Problems, nicht als Lösung - ein böser Bube des Finanzmarkts. Erklären Sie uns in vier Sätzen, warum Sie es nicht sind.

Man muss zwischen Banken und Hedgefonds unterscheiden. Und meiner Ansicht nach beschreibt der zitierte Satz "Privatisierung der Gewinne und Sozialisierung der Verluste" das Problem. Für die Hedgefonds kann ich sagen: Wir, beziehungsweise unsere Kunden, haften für Verluste selbst. Das ist bei den Banken nicht der Fall.

Pointiert gesagt: Josef Ackermann verschaukelt die Steuerzahler und Sie tun das nicht?

Tatsache ist: Wir Hedgefonds-Manager wehren uns zu wenig gegen die Anschuldigungen, die auf uns einprasseln. Sie sind nicht gerechtfertigt.

Sie halten eine Finanzmarktransaktionssteuer, die inzwischen alle Parteien fordern, für kompletten Unsinn. Warum?
Natürlich bringt jede Steuer Einnahmen. Aber diese Steuer würde die Finanzmärkte unsicherer machen, sie wären anfälliger für einen Crash. Denn was würde passieren? Das Umsatzvolumen würde drastisch sinken, zumindest in Deutschland, weil die Händler und Investoren auf einen anderen Standort ausweichen würden. Wenn aber nur noch wenig Geld bewegt wird, reagiert der Markt mit umso größeren Preissprüngen auf politische Nachrichten oder auf Großinvestoren. Deswegen wäre eine Finanzmarkttransaktionssteuer sogar gefährlich.

Moment mal: Hat die Gesellschaft nicht einen Anspruch darauf, dass die Finanzindustrie den Schaden zurückzahlt, den sie seit 2008 angerichtet hat?

Ich finde, dass der Finanzmarkt für die Verluste haften sollte, die ihm zuzuschreiben sind. Dazu zählt eine Beteiligung in der aktuellen Schuldenkrise. Sprich: Ist ein Schuldenschnitt wie in Griechenland notwendig, sind natürlich auch die Gläubiger dran. Was die Lage im Jahr 2008 betrifft, so hat es die deutsche Politik versäumt, sich die Bankenrettung mit Besitzanteilen an den betroffenen Banken bezahlen zu lassen. In verschiedenen anderen Ländern wurde es so gemacht - und das kann für den Steuerzahler sogar profitabel sein.

Hat die Bankenlobby die deutsche Politik im Griff?
Ja, bisher war es so. Wenn ich die schlingernde Diskussion über den Schuldenschnitt für Griechenland und andere Staaten sehe, kann ich nur sagen: Es geht um Bankenrettung, nicht um die Rettung von Staaten. Da hat die Bankenlobby aus ihrer Sicht einen guten Job gemacht.

FAZIT BY W. TIMM, Husum-Schobuell: ES GEHT NUR UM BANKENRETTUNG! STAATEN und MENSCHEN interessiert diese Mega-Soziopathen, die sich in NAZI- Linie zu den AUSGEWÄHLTEN der sogn. ILLUMINATI oder "ELITE" zaehlen (in Wirklichkeit auch nur Armleuchter totaler Selbstverblendung und Benutzte Irregeführte, gerne in sozusagen Privatclubs von Geheim-Sekten, FREIMAURER, BILDERBERGER, CFR, etc.). END W. TIMM.

Die Finanzmärkte gelten spätestens seit Horst Köhler als "Monster" - und das Monster muss gezähmt werden. Welche Vorschläge haben Sie?
Das größte Problem sind die finanztechnischen Hebel, also der Einsatz von geliehenem Geld, das nicht durch Eigenkapital gedeckt ist. Diese Hebel, der "leverage", muss begrenzt und kontrolliert werden, und zwar für alle Akteure auf dem Finanzmarkt.

Zweitens sollten die Derivate, also die Papiere, die Kreditrisiken absichern, nur noch über die Börse gehandelt werden dürfen. Das schafft Transparenz.

Und drittens müssten die Banken von ihren Investmentabteilungen getrennt werden, um das systemische Risiko zu vermindern. Ich glaube, allein mit diesen drei Maßnahmen bekämen wir viel mehr Ruhe in die Märkte.

Sprechen Sie darüber mit der Politik?
Es gibt eine Kommunikation zwischen den Banken und der deutschen Politik, aber keine verlässliche Kommunikation zwischen allen anderen Finanzmarktakteuren und der deutschen Politik.

Sie haben sich mit Unionsfraktionschef Volker Kauder, der Sie kürzlich bei "Maybrit Illner" hart anging, noch nicht befreundet?
Nein. Das wird auch sehr schwierig. Für beide Seiten.

Quelle: DEIN WECKRUF zum STERN-Artikel folgt.

Hedgefond-Manager Schröder gibt zu: „Es geht um Bankenrettung, nicht um die Rettung von Staaten“
by deinweckruf

Es ist mehr als bezeichnend, was sich die letzten Wochen und Monate abgespielt hat. Um den Euro zu retten, um Griechenland zu retten wurden zwei EU-Rettungsschirme beschlossen, mit denen die Steuerzahler geschröpft und das ach so tolle Europa gerettet werden sollte, so zumindest verkaufte man uns die ganze Tragödie.

Doch das ist natürlich eine Lüge. Denn die Wahrheit ist, dass wir in erster Linie nur die Banken retten, und nicht die Staaten und den Euro.

Dies bestätigt jetzt auch der Hedgefond-Manager Karsten Schröder im Sterninterview. Völlig unverblümt spricht er Klartext, und dieses Interview sollte auch noch den letzten "Ach wir leben in einer perfekten Demokratie"-Träumer aufgeweckt haben.

Denn auf die Frage, ob die Bankenlobby die deutsche Politik im Griff hat, antwortet Schröder folgendes, Zitat:

"Ja, bisher war es so. Wenn ich die schlingernde Diskussion über den Schuldenschnitt für Griechenland und andere Staaten sehe, kann ich nur sagen: Es geht um Bankenrettung, nicht um die Rettung von Staaten. Da hat die Bankenlobby aus ihrer Sicht einen guten Job gemacht."

Das ist ein Skandal! Warum wird uns in den Medien und von der Politik immer noch weisgemacht, es gehe um die Euro-Rettung und die Rettung von Staaten, wo doch hier ein bekannter Hedgefond-Manager offen zugibt, dass unsere Steuergelder für die sogenannten Rettungsschirme nur den Banken zugute kommen? Vielleicht war das ja die Gewissensfrage, an der Wolfgang Bosbach nicht vorbei kam, nämlich dass das eigene Volk von vorne bis hinten belogen und betrogen wird, und deren Steuergelder nur an dreiste Verbrecherbanken gehen?

Man kann nur hoffen, dass die Occupy-Proteste weiter andauern werden, und wir vielleicht irgendetwas erreichen können, allerdings wird das Finanzkapital wohl zu mächtig für uns sein - leider.


FAZIT BY W. TIMM, HUSUM&MADRID: Der NWO-"ELITE" geht das GELD aus! Somit faellt wohl geplanter ATOMARER WELTKRIEG 3 (Angriff auf IRAN) aus!




by Benjamin Fulford, November 1, 2011
(Weekly geo-political news and analysis)
The situation in Europe is making it clear to all but the most brainwashed that something historical is taking place. What is happening is that the criminal element at the very top of the Western power structure, especially at the very top of the financial system, has been cut off from their money printing machine. As a result, the IMF and the major European and US money center banks are insolvent. No amount of lying or paper shuffling or propaganda is going to hide this fundamental truth. The governments of Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Italy etc. know that the debts they supposedly owe to bankers were created through fraudulent book entries and thus do not have to be repaid. That is why the banks suddenly announced that Greece only had to pay back 50% of their debt even though such a write off would destroy them. They are hoping for a tax payer bail-out that is just not going to happen. It is game over. The Rothschild banking nightmare is ending.

Even the highly brainwashed priesthood known as Western financial gurus and journalists are starting to realize that something is not right. The big announcement by European governments of a “solution” to the Greek and Euro crises is a case in point. If you analyze the announcement you realize that essentially the banks and governments are saying the banks will pay for 50% of the Greek debt with money they do not have. The governments say they will pay for it by “leveraging” the money they already have. They do not say who is going to be dumb enough to finance a bankrupt gambler who wants to quadruple his risk.

Please note that as soon as the “solution” to the crisis was announced, high level begging missions were sent to Asia, including French President Sarkozy. Why would they need to go to Asia to ask for money if they had come up with a solution?

The IMF, supposedly the world’s “lender of last resort” is also continuing to admit they have no money. The reason is that the IMF itself cannot prove that its money comes from legitimate sources.

The fact of the matter is that the criminal part of the world’s financial system is falling apart. The IMF will soon cease to be solvent. The same is true of the World Bank. The BIS is also in trouble. In fact, the entire Rothschild banking monopoly is in deep trouble.

The freeze of “trading platforms” remains in place, meaning that the controllers of the fiat system can no longer pump new money into the system. The best they can do is reshuffle money that is already in the system. New money will only start entering the global financial system once the new asset-backed system is in place.

“The IMF and the World Bank existed to force the Rothschild banking system on the countries of the world,” is how an extremely senior Chinese official explained the situation. “Our goal is to reboot the system, to start over and set all the parameters in a fair way so that all countries benefit from the pooled assets of the people of the world and not just Europe and North America,” he continued.

The original system was meant to have been run by the Swiss and protected by the Americans, he continued. “The basic failure was that the system of checks and balances failed and the people who were supposed to protect the system ended up abusing it,” he added.

What is now going to happen is that the 100 countries that have so far joined the new system started in Monaco in August, are going to implement the new system in four stages, according to a White Dragon Society source. The US military and agencies will be involved in this process right from the beginning, he added. Efforts to intimidate generals by using corrupt institutions like the IRS to try to repossess their homes will backfire and lead to criminal prosecutions.

The first step will be a lawsuit that will be filed before November 15th against the individuals and groups who abused the Federal Reserve Board system. This will lead to liens being placed against many of the largest financial institutions in the world, according to the filers. There will also be mass arrests.

The other steps have yet to be disclosed. However, some basic truths are already known. First of all, all honest businessmen and bankers worldwide will have nothing to worry about. Second of all, the money created through derivatives fraud will be eliminated from the books, even if that means bankrupting many of the big Western financial institutions. Third, major historical financial injustices will be addressed and stolen monies and assets will be returned to their rightful owners. This will be good news for the vast majority of Western citizens as well as the inhabitants of long exploited regions like Africa.

The international banking and payment settlements systems will remain in place after the reboot. This will mean the minimum possible disruption to legitimate business.

However, as mentioned earlier, the international institutions set up and controlled by a small group of Western oligarchs after World War 2 will be totally revamped.

By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd

ED. NOTE: CAVEAT LECTOR - The opinions expressed in this article by interviewees are solely those of the interviewees and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this reporter or Thank you.

Confirmation - Destruction of Reptilian undersea base
In an exclusive Oct. 31, 2011 ExopoliticsTV interview, the human representative of the Andromeda Council confirmed that a 5.0 earthquake reported by the U.S. Geological Survey (U.S.G.S.) to have occurred in the Gulf of Aden at 1:22 am on October 31, 2011 was in fact an effect of a sonic beam weapons attack by the Procyon star system (members of the Andromeda Council) on a Draco & Reptilian undersea base located at the same coordinates as the epicenter of the Gulf of Aden earthquake. (See FIG A for U.S.G.S. map setting out the exact epicenter of the Gulf of Aden earthquake).

In an October 31, 2011 statement, Tolec, the human representative of the Andromeda Council stated, “Yes, I was able to confirm this event with the commander of the primary biosphere where many of the Andromeda Council meetings are held. This was a strike by the Procyon people. They're just doing their job as promised. This base in now completely collapsed & destroyed.”

Tolec, the human representative of the Andromeda Council, forwarded this reporter this statement confirming the Andromeda Council attack. At the time Tolec forwarded this statement, Tolec had no prior knowledge of the U.S.G.S. map or other source setting out the exact epicenter of the Gulf of Aden earthquake when he forwarded the Andromeda Council statement about this attack.

The Andromeda Council statement itself established the location of the Procyon star system sonic beam weapons attack on the reptilian base as identical to the exact location of epicenter of the Oct. 31, 2011 Gulf of Aden earthquake.

The Andromeda Council Oct. 31, 2011 attack comes a little more that two months after the Andromeda Council’s reported sonic beam weapons’ attack of August 23, 2011 that destroyed underground Orion grey and Draco & Hydra reptilian bases and tunnels under Washington, D.C. and that resulted in a shallow 0.1 km earthquake felt from Virginia to Ottawa, Canada.

Independent researchers have now stated that the August 23, 2001 Virginia-Washington, DC earthquake was the result of advanced extraterrestrial attack using frequency weapons to destroy grey, reptilian and New World Order (NWO) bases under Washington, DC, and that similar advanced extraterrestrial attacks destroyed underground reptilian and NWO bases under Denver, CO and in the southwest USA. These statements are in agreement with prior statements of the Andromeda Council as to Andromeda Council attacks destroying reptilian-NOW bases under Washington, DC on August 23, 2011, and subsequently under Denver, CO and in the southwest USA.

The Andromeda Council

The Andromeda Council is a reported galactic governance council composed of selected star system representatives that carry out governance and development functions in a selected areas of our populated and organized galaxy and universe.

Information, interviews and articles regarding the Andromeda Council can be viewed at:

Gulf of Aden attack predicted in October 26, 2011 Andromeda Council statement

On October 26, 2011, this reporter published an exclusive Andromeda Council report “disclosed policing actions being undertaken by star systems of the Andromeda Council using advanced sonic energy beam weapons against specific undersea bases operated by Draco & Hydra based reptilian extraterrestrials off of the Middle East and of China."

The October 26, 2011 report predicted the Andromeda Council sonic beam weapons attack on the reptilian undersea base in the Gulf of Aden that appears to have been fulfilled by an attack whose effects were demonstrated in the Oct. 31, 2011 Gulf of Aden earthquake.

Watch Oct. 31 ExopoliticsTV interview regarding the Gulf of Aden earthquake and Andromeda Council destruction of a reptilian undersea base

Readers can watch the Oct. 31 ExopoliticsTV interview regarding the Gulf of Aden earthquake and Andromeda Council destruction of a reptilian undersea base embedded in the article above or at the URL below:


Andromeda Council statement on 5.0 Gulf of Aden earthquake

Tolec, the Andromeda Council representative, released the following Oct. 31, 2011 statement on the 5.0 Gulf of Aden earthquake.

5.0 "Earthquake".
Gulf of Aden - Reptilian undersea base

Tolec’s statement reads as follows: “Yes, I was able to confirm this event with the commander of the primary biosphere where many of the Andromeda Council meetings are held. This was a strike by the Procyon people. They're just doing their job as promised. This base is now completely collapsed & destroyed.

Location of the Undersea Base

“Take a look at the second map, the Google map, [from the "Andromeda Council Destroying Dangerous Undersea Bases" breaking news report], the one of the southern Saudi Arabian/Yemen/Oman peninsula, south of Yemen, where the "Gulf of Aden" is spelled out in tiny white letters against the deep blue gulf water.

“To the left of these words, "Gulf of Aden", you will see a small square box. At the meeting of the vertical left line & horizontal top line in the far left hand corner, exactly due west of this corner is where the base was located. You can more exactly place it just north of a relatively small hill that you can see on this map. This is where the base was, just north of this hill. And next to, just west of that small hill, is a mountain range.”

[ED. NOTE: This Google map is set out as FIG. B in the slide show attached to this article.]

The Actual Strike

“The people from Procyon were able to, again, using a specific, pin-pointed, sonic beam... they first aimed directly at what they found was the weakest part of the protective energy shield over this domed base. They kept focusing this sonic beam on this area of the shield... until they finally broke through. He showed me images of buildings collapsing unto themselves. With intense pressure that deep underwater it absolutely hastened the collapsing of all the structures inside the base. The amount of water rushing in was amazing.

“In addition, he showed me they also hit the mountain range just due west of that hill & the base... to bury the remains of this undersea base under tons of mountain rubble.

“In closing, I asked for a confirmation that this particular base had been completely destroyed and that no additional action was needed. He said, ‘Yes, it is completely destroyed.’”


Andromeda Council – Reptilian base in Gulf of Aden

In a report on the Draco and Hydra reptilian base in the Gulf of Aden published Oct. 26, 2011, the Andromeda Council representative stated (in part), “[The reptilian undersea base] is located in the area of the Gulf of Aden. This gulf is located in the Arabian Sea between Yemen, on the south coast of the Arabian Peninsula, and Somalia in the Horn of Africa. “In the northwest, it connects with the Red Sea through the Bab-el-Mandeb strait, which is about 20 miles wide. Because of what I’ve learned from my Andromedan contacts about this matter, I did some research & found out that the Gulf of Aden is already a dangerous area known as “Pirate Alley” because of the historically large amount of pirate activities located here. I’ve sent you a Google photo & a simple map of this area. As you may or may not know the “vortex” phenomena also happened in this body of water, the Gulf of Aden.

“Further, my Andromedan contacts have told me this base is deep, thousands of feet underwater, about a mile & a half (1&1/2) deep. And this base has for years beamed a very specific, highly irritating & highly agitating, fear based & anger inducing, attenuated sonic frequency' right at the area of the Middle East, due North-Northeast' to keep the people in this area in a constant, high state of emotional confusion, fear, agitation, anger & aggression.

“They’ve shown me, there is a transmitter that literally rises out of the ceiling of this base, much like a periscope in a submarine, and it rotates. A particular frequency is chosen which turns people against each other. Then the Reptilians turn it on. They turn it on almost every day. However, if people were underwater, or standing on the land, they would not be able to this frequency, this beam, with their own eyes. It’s sonic, a sound frequency. And, it’s out of our spectrum. But, this is how the Reptilians dominate & control these people. This particular base has been in operation about 5,000 years. And the highly agitating sonic vibratory energies beamed from this base also reach as far as Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and a bunch of other countries in the region, including Israel and Palestine. This is powerful technology that is very far ranging, reaches a very long distance' serious long-range capability. And it only takes about 15 minutes of operation, of this transmitter being on & activated' for people in this area to start to feel its effects. Explains a lot doesn’t it….”

Reptilian base under Gulf of Aden is a priority target

“Both of these bases, the one south of the Saudi Arabian, UAE, Yemen, Oman peninsula, this is the one in the Gulf of Aden, and the one off of the coast of China -both are well fortified, re-enforced fortresses, if you will, deep under water bases located on the ocean floor. Each is a large operational, underwater base with a domed roof, and an energy shield protecting each base. They are simply well protected.

A Matter of Importance

“But, taking out the Reptilian base on the floor of the ocean south of the Saudi Arabian, UAE, Yemen, Oman peninsula is a priority, a much more pressing matter. The reason is simple. As you know, Earth’s history continues to repeat itself year after year. The squabbling, the skirmishes in this region, these have gone on for thousands of years. And the original reasons for these skirmishes have gotten blown way out of proportion. With help from the Reptilian undersea base, as you can understand.

“And, the constant ‘bombardment’ of this region with a highly disruptive -agitation, confusion, anger & fear based sonic energy beamed from the transmitter from this specific undersea base' continues to escalate the possibility of full blown war in this region. Constant fighting, constant irritation, constant bickering' even among their own people. And they don’t even realize what is going on. They don’t even know the reason why - The undersea base with its transmitter.

“In closing, I’m going to quote the commander of primary Andromeda Council biosphere, when I asked him about this situation, he said,

“’The people in this area are being played much like what you call ‘pawns on a chess board’, and they have no knowledge as to how, why, or how long this has taken place. We have to and we will put a stop to this. This undersea base will be taken out.

“’Yes, outside parties, with outside interests, have attempted nuclear strikes in order to start a full-scale war in this region. Which we have stopped, disabled and neutralized their bombs, a few times. Yes, we had a ‘hand’ in this.

“’Understand, a full-scale nuclear war cannot and will not happen in this region. We will not allow actions that permit nuclear war to start by either side. The impact would be far too great to your planet, your people, and the rest of your solar system. What you do on Earth affects us all.”

“Anything else I might say about this situation would get into tactical or strategic information. I can’t and won’t do this.

“The goal is simply to put an end to the mostly unknown, unaware 'enslavement' of the people of Earth.

“And the end of this war in space is concluding with the destruction of the underground & undersea bases on Earth, and removal of these malevolent Reptilians and their regressive Grey associates from our world.

“Earth IS our planet. And we have a right to be free, sovereign people.”

[END OF OCT. 26, 2011 STATEMENT] To read the full statement, please go to: Andromeda Council: Removing Reptilian undersea bases from Middle East & China

How to evaluate correlation of the 5.0 Gulf of Aden earthquake and the reported Andromeda Council destruction of an undersea reptilian base

1. Independent evidence/Convergence – There is no independent evidence of the actual communications from a reported Andromeda Council extraterrestrial representative regarding the destruction of reported Gulf of Aden undersea Draco and Hydra reptilian at the time of the Oct. 31, 2011 Gulf of Aden earthquake. The evidence that exists are Tolec’s communications to us of experiences and communications he is having with the reported Andromeda Council extraterrestrial representatives themselves.

In this case, the location of the Gulf of Aden reptilian base as reported by the Andromeda Council is identical to the epicenter of the earthquake as reported by the US Geological Survey. This convergence adds a measure of credulity to the possible reality of the Andromeda Council as the actual source of the communication, and of the veracity of the reported destruction of the reptilian base.

One can also evaluate the possible reality of the reported Andromeda Council scenario for destruction of the Gulf of Aden undersea reptilian base by testing its congruence with other independent findings or reliable assertions.

2. Congruent independent analysis regarding advanced ET frequency weapons destroying reptilian deep bases at multiple locations – Independent researchers have come to similar conclusions that previous Andromeda Council sonic beam weapons against deep bases under Washington, DC, Denver, CO and elsewhere are the result of advanced ET frequency weapons.

Therefore it is reasonable to conclude that the Andromeda Council’s police action with sonic beam weapons may have resulted in the destruction of the deep reptilian bases under Washington, DC on Aug. 23, 2011, under Denver, CO and elsewhere in the USA.

It is reasonable also to conclude that these same galactic governance Andromeda Council sonic beam weapons systems and methods were applied in destroying the Gulf of Aden undersea reptilian bases on Oct. 31, 2011.

Recommended reading


FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions page -

8. Andromeda Council: Removing Reptilian undersea bases from Middle East & China

7. ExopoliticsTV - Andromeda Council: Removing Reptilian undersea bases from Middle East & China

6. Andromeda Council: The facts about life as a 4th dimensional human

5. Andromeda Council: Transformation to a 4th Dimensional Earth Life

4. Andromeda Council Update on Elenin, brown dwarf, Nibiru, earth changes, 4D Earth

3. YOU TUBE: Andromeda Council Update on Elenin, brown dwarf, Nibiru, earth changes, 4D Earth
Part I

Part II

2.ET Council: War with grey-Draco reptilian ETs is won, no false flag ET invasion

1.YOU TUBE: Andromeda Council - War with Orion grey-Draco Reptilian ETs is won, no false flag ET invasion

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