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Mittwoch, 4. Januar 2017



New Year's Prophecy

Intertemporal Perspective via 2016 Tower & Star Rituals

By Goro Adachi
December 30, 2016

Century II - 41
The great star will burn for seven days,
The cloud will make two suns appear:
The large mastiff will howl all night
When the great pontiff changed territory.

- Nostradamus

Not all New Year's Days are created equal and this one coming up happens to be a special one. The previous one was special as well, both being attached to the year 2016, the point of no return. And if the pattern holds, we are in for a whole new set of inter-temporal "clues" which, if decoded properly, should be quite prophetic in nature. Decoding these things happens to be my specialty, or obsession...

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It's telling that The Economist's annual, end of the year crystal ball edition features a cover with tarot cards. Obviously they were inspired by the irresistible combination of "Trump" (cards) and the idea of divination (predicting the future). Not too surprising there. (What issurprising though is how most people trying to "decode" it can't even crack the first step: The only two tilted cards, "Judgment" and "The Star", are card #20 and card #17 per tradition, spelling out "20-17" or "2017".)

[Hinweis: Bild Judgement mit Trump wurde inzwischen ausgewechselt!]

The Economist is actually a bit late to the party as there was a whole lot of foreshadowing going on last year through the tarot symbolism on New Year's Eve/Day (2015/2016). It came in the form of Dubai's tower inferno evoking the Tower card numbered 16 (as in 2016)... effect foreshadowing the earthshaking rise of "Trump" who famously lives in Trump Tower (= Tower trump card).

Extending the pattern forward in time would have the new year 2017correspond to tarot card #17 - "The Star".

It would most certainly be Sirius on New Year's Eve/Day as a magical celestial moment arrives every year when the brightest star in the night sky "culminates" due south reaching its highest point right around midnight on New Year's Eve/Day.

But as I said, it's extra special around 2016. I'm quite aware of this, and it seems so was Nostradamus. Let me introduce you to quatrain II-41, or as I like to call it the "Sirius quatrain":

Century II - 41
La grand' estoille par sept jours bruslera,
Nuee fera deux soleils apparoir:
Le gros mastin toute nuit hurlera,
Quand grand pontife changera de terroir.

The great star will burn for seven days,
The cloud will make two suns appear:
The large mastiff will howl all night
When the great pontiff changed territory.

- Nostradamus

Right now it is highly relevant and timely as shown below:

Line 1: The great star will burn for seven days

Being the brightest star in the night sky, Sirius certainly qualifies as a "great star". It "burns" in the sense that the name "Sirius" means "scorcher" plus the phrase "Dog Days of summer" derives from Sirius's nickname "Dog Star". Even the "seven days" (sept jours) part relates to Sirius in that ancient Egyptians called the star SpdSpdt, or Sept, resonating with the French sept meaning "seven. ("Seven days" can also allude to the 7-day festival Saturnalia, Dec 17-23.)

Line 2: The cloud will make two suns appear

In esoteric tradition Sirius has been considered the "second sun".

Line 3: The large mastiff will howl all night

Sirius is the "Dog Star" ("mastiff") and it "howls all night" on New Year's Eve/Day by being visible all night long. (Culminating around midnight implies being visible from dusk to dawn.)

Line 4: When the great pontiff changed territory

The last time there was a change in the papacy was back in 2013 when Pope Benedict XVI stepped down and Pope Francis took over. Unbeknownst to most, it managed to multicontextually encode an arrow pointing ahead to the year 2016:
  • Pope Benedict XVI is "16" (XVI), numerically resonating with 2016 and the Tower card (XVI)


  • Pope Francis's first foreign trip ("changing territory") as head of the Catholic Church was to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in July 2013, where the Summer Olympics would take place in 2016

  • geo-alignment pinpointing Rio was implied via Pope Benedict XVI's resignation announcement taking place concurrently with a major meteor impact event in Russia
Feb 11, 2013: Pope Benedict XVI announces resignation
Feb 15, 2013: Major meteor impact in Chelyabinsk, Russia

In the context of the "Sirius quatrain" II-41, it makes a lot of sense for Rio to be highlighted in this manner. It has to do with the real, hidden reason behind the name "Rio de Janeiro" or "River of January" which I'm revealing here for the first time anywhere (aside from STRUG/members section which is always ahead)...

Firstly, the term "January" (Janeiro) derives from Janus the god of beginnings, endings, time, and doorways. Basically a perfect set of descriptions for New Year's Eve/Day (= beginning of January).

And it just so happens it's right around New Year's Day, when Sirius"howls all night", that Rio and the Sun are aligned in terms of latitude & declination. In other words, the Sun is directly overhead at noon in Rio right around New Year's Day. Rio in this way indeed is a "city of Janus/January"!

As above, so below... Sirius is the "New Year's star" above, Rio de Janeiro is the "New Year's city" below. Having established this and 2016 being the year of the Rio Olympics, we can then quite easily infer that the beginning and ending of 2016 are of special, "ritualistic" significance. We already saw this in action at the beginning of 2016 (Dubai tower fire), and we are now about to witness something at the end of 2016.

The straightforward expectation would be that it would reflect "The Star" card - #17 representing "2017" - just as the Dubai tower inferno was a simulation of the "Tower" tarot card, #16. This would mean it would likely involve Sirius on New Year's Eve/Day. (I may actually already know the ritual taking place, but I'll save it for another article, perhaps early next year.)

There is another approach here to discerning the nature of the end of 2016 "ritual(s)". It has to do with the fact that Rio and the Sun are also aligned on ~December 10th (equidistant from the solstice).

That "preview" window precisely coincided with a major geopolitical flareup stemming from the apparent Russian cyber attacks against the US during the 2016 presidential election.

News Links:

Just so you know that I'm not discussing all this relying only on hindsight, I did quickly give a heads-up regarding this developing pattern via Twitter back in mid December...

My tweets from Dec 18:

My tweet from Dec 22:
Sure enough, the "next phase" got underway right on time late December just days before New Year's Day.

It's an ongoing situation, happening in real time as I write this and it wouldn't be surprising if we hear more about the US retaliation against Russia around the New Year's Eve/Day weekend, such as actual US cyber attacks against Russia.

(I've consistently pointed to the significance of the Russian cyberwar situation since the very beginning. See: Jul 26 tweet, Jul 27 tweet, Jul 30 tweet, Aug 30 update. Here we are, it's like the Cold War has returned.)

Saturnalia (Dec 17-23) was another important window we were watching very closely... (Saturnalia starts on Pope Francis's birthday, by the way.) My tweet from Nov 24:

And it was intense indeed...

...and contained some New Year's Day "signals". The exploding fireworks in Mexico City for example naturally bring to mind New Year's celebrations.

Plus, Mexico City's latitude, 19.43 deg. North, most recently aligned with the Sun (declination) around July 25th, precisely coinciding with the start of the Russian cyberwar situation playing out in the public, via Wikileaks releasing DNC emails, etc. So that's very coherent pattern-wise. (There were also Sirius allusions in the Saturnalia events but we won't go into those here.)

Notable as it connects right back to the 2015-2016 New Year's Eve/Day "ritual". The name "Dubai" means "market". And the fire there took place right next to the Dubai's spectacular New Year'sfireworks.

Makes us wonder if these constitute an omen foreshadowing a major market/financial event coming in the New Year.

I'm going to end this article here, but really we've just scratched the surface. Just the tip of the iceberg for what's unfolding... because 2016 was a tipping point, the point of no return. We didn't even touch on the earth changes and the sixth mass extinction already being discussed on STRUG...

If interested, you are invited to enter the Underground...

*    *    *

New Year's Prophecy - Part 2

Game of Thrones at the End of Time

By Goro Adachi

January 3, 2017

A big shift is coming, it seems. Our pattern projection was quickly followed by a pattern fulfillment, spawning glimpses of the future in the process as anticipated by "New Year's Prophecy". What's coming, as far as we can tell, is a dramatic tectonic shift in time...

Dec 31/Jan 1 Istanbul Reina nightclub terror attack 'leaves 39 dead'

Jan 02 ISIS says it carried out shooting

This New Year's Eve/Day Impact in the form of an Istanbul nightclub terror attack by ISIS came with all the hallmarks identified in New Year's Prophecy (Part 1, posted Dec 30), i.e. Sirius, Rio time code, etc... with ominous implications for the new year:

  • Sirius = New Year's star (culmination at ~midnight/start of Jan 1)
  • Istanbul nightclub terror attack on New Year's Eve/Day (1 hr 15 min after midnight local time)
  • Sirius = Isis (per ancient Egyptian tradition)
  • Istanbul nightclub attack by ISIS
  • Isis = "Queen of Heaven" (per tradition)
  • Istanbul nightclub named "Reina" meaning "Queen"

  • Rio = "New year's city" via ~Jan 1 solar alignment (lat/dec); same alignment also on ~Dec 10 (plus temporal context of 2016 = year of Rio Olympics)
    • Jan 1, 2017: Istanbul terror attack (nightclub)
    • Dec 10, 2016: Istanbul terror attack (soccer stadium)

Aktivitäten von Huter-Freunden seit 1993 bis heute
Biographie Siegfried Kupfer (1917-1983) - Part 3
Biographie Siegfried Kupfer (1917-1983) - Part 2
Biographie Siegfried Kupfer (1917-1983) - Part 1
Biographie Hermann Bürkler (1901-1965)
Biographie Amandus Kupfer - Part 3
Biografie zum 50. Todestag von Amandus Kupfer. 20. März 2002.
© 2002-2017 Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm
Biographie Amandus Kupfer - Part 2
Biografie zum 50. Todestag von Amandus Kupfer. 20. März 2002.
© 2002-2017 Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm
Biographie Amandus Kupfer - Part 1
Biografie zum 50. Todestag von Amandus Kupfer. 20. März 2002.
© 2002-2017 W. Timm

Juni 1941 Letzte Ausgabe von „DgM“ 101 by Amandus Kupfer. Nürnberg.


Juni 1991 Akademische Publikation zur Selbstverantwortung by Wolfgang Timm. Heidelberg.

Genau 50 Jahre später, Akademische Publikation, Juni 1991, Fachschrift HÖRGESCHÄDIGTEN PÄDAGOGIK, Heidelberg:



Es folgte 1941 auf persönliche Anordnung vom damaligen Reichslügenminister Goebbels die TOTALE VERNICHTUNG ALLER HUTER-WERKE im damaligen Nazi-Deutschland. 

Rettung jedoch über die Schweiz
D Crash Titel
Seit 1937 hetzte Goebbels Propagandablatt "DerAngriff" gegen Amandus Kupfer, 
da die NAZI-MACHTHABER sich vor der natürlichen Lebensoffenbarungslehre vom Nichtakademiker Carl Hurer und seine von Huter-Schüler Amandus Kupfer dezidiert inhaltlich dargelegten und belegten Wahrheiten zunehmend fürchteten! 
Herausgeber von Der gute Menschenkenner, Amandus Kupfer, 1879-1952, entkam zum Ende des Krieges einem Verhaftungsbefehl mit KZ-Einlieferung, aufgrund von Glück und den damaligen Wirren Frühjahr / Sommer 1945. 
Neuherausgeber Diplom Psychologe Wolfgang Timm, Kreator von Gesamtschau-Digital: Carl Huter’s Original-Menschenkenntnis & Ethische Schönheitslehre.
Es erschienen insgesamt 101 großformatige Zeitungen, 1932 bis 1941.
Abschluss von DgM-Digital aller 101 großformatigen Zeitungsausgaben am 5. Februar 2010. 
Erster Akademischer Vergleich. 1977
Der gute Menschenkenner Nr. 1-6/1979 25. neuer Jahrgang
Beratung von Huter-Freund Manfred Müller mittelbar mit Herrn Dr. jur. Renner via Johannes Kupfer, München, um ohne Copyrightbeanstandung seine Publikation Das Gesicht als Spiegel der Gesundheit, im Verlag ehrenwirthmed. rechtskonform vertreiben zu können. Hier seine Danksagung an Wolfgang Timm / Carl-Huter-Zentral-Archiv, 2003.

Wolfgang Thomas (Timm) wolfgangvonbraunschweig /Carl-Huter-Zentral-Archiv!

Syrian boy sleeping between his parents / Syrischer Junge schlafend zwischen seinen Eltern!

Vater & Sohn nach 20 Jahren Trennung vereint, 2003.

Quelle DgM Nr. 51. An den großen, charaktervollen, idealen Frauennaturen sind die großen Männer und Völker emporgewachsen, an den charakterlosen, lieblosen, sittenlosen zugrunde gegangen.



Impressum Carl-Huter-Zentral-Archiv [Stand 2008]
Geprägte Kindheit auf Sylt 60er Jahre in einem Reetdach-Haus von 1761 - davor  Sohn Jorge aus Madrid, Sommer 2004.

Der Sämling

von bmh



Er will ans Licht
lässt nichts unversucht.

Mit unserer Pflege
reift er zur Frucht

im Neuen Jahr



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