Religion gehört nicht zu meinem Land
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Der Begriff Gutmenschen polarisiert. Dieses Video beschäftigt sich mit Folgen aus Religion gehört nicht zu meinem Landvon haunebu7 |
Es wird immer mal von der christlichen Leitkultur geredet und dem schönen christlichem Abendland und das der Islam eine Religion des Friedens sei.
Nun ich bin Atheist für mich gehört Religion überhaupt nicht zu einem Land, weder zu Deutschland noch zu irgendein anderes Land und schon gar nicht in die Verfassung oder in die Politik, […]
Es wird immer mal von der christlichen Leitkultur geredet und dem schönen christlichem Abendland und das der Islam eine Religion des Friedens sei.
Nun ich bin Atheist für mich gehört Religion überhaupt nicht zu einem Land, weder zu Deutschland noch zu irgendein anderes Land und schon gar nicht in die Verfassung oder in die Politik, es ist reine Privatsache so wie der Gang aufs Klo.
Religion wurde schon in jeder Hinsicht missbraucht.
Man nannte es christlich sogenannte „Verdingbubs“ also elternlose Kinder zu Bauern in den Alpen zu geben, die sie bis zum Abwinken arbeiten ließen, unterernährten und verprügelten, sogar getötet haben sie Kinder.
es waren Kinder in christlichen Heimen, Bibelschulen oder Internaten die von Pfarrern missbraucht und von Ordensschwestern verprügelt wurden und das ist noch gar nicht so lange her.
Aber Aufarbeitung – Fehlanzeige.
dann wären da noch die Muslime von denen 44% meinen, sie müssten mein Land zu einem Islamischen Land machen.
Und am besten ist Muttis Rat, wir müssten uns doch nur in der Kirche Bilder ansehen, wenn wir Angst vor Vergewaltigern haben. Das ist ja mal so ein richtig nützlicher Rat.
Und falls sie glauben das sei ein Einzelfall. Mit dem falschen Plakat sind sie auch das Ziel der Verfolgung, oder mit der falschen Partei oder wenn sie zu einer Demo mit Skateboard-Schutz gehen oder behaupten der jeweilige Throninhaber trage ein Toupet.
Sie glauben gar nicht für was man so alles verfolgt werden kann.
Meinungsfreiheit gibt es hier nicht mehr, auch ein Recht des Volkes auf Selbstbestimmung. Das steht alles nur auf Papier und Papier ist geduldig.
Schwedisches Notfallzentrum darf keine Vergewaltigungsopfer mehr behandeln, sondern muss sich von nun an um „traumatisierte“ Flüchtlinge kümmernvon haunebu7 |
Von der Opferbetreuung zur Täterbetreuung – „Es ist völlig verrückt.“ Von Joe Wilson für, 8. Juni 2017
Ein Notfallzentrum in Schweden hat migeteilt, dass sie nicht mehr länger Vergewaltigungsopfer behandeln werden, um sich stattdessen auf die wachsende Flüchtlingsbevölkerung zu konzentrieren.
Das Krisentrauma- und Behandlungszentrum im schwedischen Stockholm wurde von Vertretern der Stadt Stockholm kürzlich […]
Vergewaltiger dienen daher bestenfalls als Begründung in jeder Ecke Kameras aufzuhängen, damit jeder hier rund um die Uhr überwacht werden kann.
Naja, ausser die richtigen Nazis die irgendwo in Bayern oder Hessen sitzen und die Menschen aufhetzten. Die bleiben unbehelligt.
Deswegen will ich euch mal meinen Standpunkt erläutern, was nicht in mein Land gehört
- Menschen die andere mißbrauchen, zwangsverheiraten oder Genitalverstümmelung, mit Säure übergießen, Ehrenmorde und Tierquälerei religiös begründen
- Menschen die mein Land zu einem Islamstaat machen und unter Kopftücher oder in Geschlechtertrennung zwingen wollen
- Menschen die mein Land zu einem „christlichen Abendland“ machen wollen und Kreuze in Schulzimmer erzwingen oder Missionierung und Kirchengehälter aus Steuergeldern sponsern
- Menschen die jegliche Religionsgesetze und/oder Scharia über das Gesetz stellen
Menschen die Seilschaften jeder Art über das Gesetz stellen
- Menschen die Verbrechen leugnen und Geschichtsverzerrung betreiben statt sie aufzuarbeiten
- Menschen die das Privatisieren, was der Allgemeinheit gehört und von der Allgemeinheit bezahlt wurde
- Menschen die Gruppenpinkel-Klo und ähnlichen Schwachsinn als Toleranz verkaufen
- Menschen die Rassismus gegen Deutsche betreiben, die haben genauso Rechte wie alle anderen
- Menschen die meinen das Volk wäre zu doof selbst zu entscheiden was es will und versuchen es zu manipulieren
- Menschen die Zwangsarbeit und Idiotenkurse legalisieren und „Freiwilligkeit“ erpressen
- Menschen die Soldaten in meinem Land installieren das fremden Ländern als „Hilfstruppe“ dienen soll und Eliten vor dem Zorn des Volkes beschützen soll. Die Eliten haben sich das sicherlich nicht grundlos verdient und daher ist es Völkerrecht.
Wenn Einer meine Hilfe nimmt und sich nicht anpassen will oder sich nicht benehmen kann, Gesetze bricht und die Grundsätze der Menschenwürde und des Völkerreichtes verletzt, dann hat er jegliche Hilfe und jeden Schutz verwirkt.
Islamisierung schreitet voran: Hidschab als Dienstkleidung in Frankfurter Krankenhäusernvon haunebu7 |
Dank Dr. Marion Friers, Geschäftsführerin Personal, Pflege und Kommunikation, der Frankfurter Rotkreuz-Kliniken, gehört das islamische Unterdrückungssymbol für die Frau jetzt zum Roten Kreuz.
In den Frankfurter Kliniken der Organisation ist der Hidschab nun offiziell Dienstbekleidung. Das war ganz einfach, es reichte, dass eine moslemische Krankenpflegeschülerin das so wollte. Bouchra Boulaich, die Auszubildende, war es leid,…
Date | Country | City | Killed | Injured | Description |
2017.06.08 | Nigeria | Maiduguri | 14 | 24 | Islamists attack a small town with suicide bombers and heavy guns, killing about fourteen residents. |
2017.06.08 | Somalia | Af Urur | 38 | 18 | Beheaded civilians are among thirty-eight killed when al-Shabaab overrun a small town. |
2017.06.08 | India | Nawgam | 1 | 2 | Pakistani-backed terrorists kill an Indian border guard. |
2017.06.08 | Pakistan | Mastung | 2 | 0 | Two Chinese nationals are slaughtered in captivity by the Islamic State. |
2017.06.07 | Iran | Tehran | 12 | 32 | At least twelve others are killed when a sucide bomber detonates at a parliament building. |
2017.06.07 | Iran | Tehran | 2 | 10 | Two Fedayeen suicide bombers attack a Shiite shrine, killing two patrons. |
2017.06.07 | Afghanistan | Spin Boldak | 3 | 8 | Two children are among three refugees wiped out by suspected ISI. |
2017.06.06 | Iraq | Hit | 7 | 3 | A Shahid suicide bomber blows up seven innocents at a market. |
2017.06.06 | Kenya | Mandera | 1 | 1 | Islamists are suspected of firing on a van and killing a woman. |
2017.06.06 | Egypt | al-Arish | 2 | 0 | Two cops are hunted and killed by Religion of Peace loyalists. |
2017.06.06 | Kenya | Garissa | 4 | 0 | Religious extremists take out four aid workers with a landmine. |
2017.06.06 | Iraq | al-Farouq | 15 | 0 | Fifteen women are cut down by ISIS machine-gun fire. |
2017.06.06 | Afghanistan | Herat | 7 | 15 | A bomb left outside a rival mosque claims the lives of seven innocents. |
2017.06.06 | France | Paris | 0 | 1 | A radicalized Muslim attacks a cop with a hammer outside the Notre Dame cathedral. |
2017.06.05 | Australia | Melbourne | 1 | 4 | An ISIS-inspired migrant from Somalia kills a man and takes a prostitute hostage. |
2017.06.05 | Somalia | Kismayo | 3 | 20 | An al-Shabaab bomb takes the lives of three people. |
2017.06.05 | Iraq | Baghdad | 1 | 4 | A 10-year-old boy is disassembled by an ‚insurgent‘ mortar fired into his family home. |
2017.06.04 | Iraq | Zanjili | 32 | 24 | A wave of suicide bombers produces thirty-two dead Iraqis. |
2017.06.04 | Pakistan | Talibul Moula | 1 | 0 | An 18-year-old girl is shot to death by her father for ‚having an affair.‘ |
2017.06.04 | Pakistan | Spini | 2 | 0 | Two Hazara religious minorities are gunned down for their faith. |
2017.06.04 | Afghanistan | Kandahar | 6 | 1 | Two religious men join the police and then gun down six colleagues in cold blood. |
2017.06.04 | Pakistan | Quaidabad | 1 | 0 | A barber is shot to death in his shop by sectarian Jihadis. |
2017.06.03 | India | Bijapur | 1 | 1 | A pregnant woman is burnt alive by her family for marrying a Hindu man. |
2017.06.03 | Algeria | Ferkane | 2 | 4 | Fundamentalists kill two local soldiers with a roadside bomb. |
2017.06.03 | Burkina Faso | Soum | 5 | 0 | A family of three is among five wiped out by Muslim terrorists. |
2017.06.03 | Iraq | Halabsah | 1 | 3 | Four suicide bombers manage to kill only one other person. |
2017.06.03 | Philippines | Marawi | 1 | 0 | A 70-year-old is picked off by an Islamic sniper. |
2017.06.03 | Afghanistan | Kabul | 20 | 87 | Three suicide bombers detonate at a a funeral, killing twenty mourners. |
2017.06.03 | Pakistan | Nawabshah | 2 | 0 | Two people are murdered over alleged adultery by the woman’s brother-in-law. |
2017.06.03 | India | Lower Munda | 2 | 4 | Hizb-ul-Mujahideen members ambush and killed two local security personnel. |
2017.06.03 | England | London | 8 | 48 | Three former migrants to Europe shout „this is for Allah“ as they plow into pedestrians on London Bridge and then proceed to a market, where they stab anyone within reach. Eight others are left dead. |
2017.06.03 | Iraq | Shifa | 41 | 0 | Forty-one civilians are reported murdered by ISIS as they attempt to flee the caliphate. |
2017.06.03 | Canada | Scarborough, ON | 0 | 1 | A woman pledges to ISIS and then attacks a store employee with a knife. |
2017.06.02 | Tunisia | Sidi Bouzid | 1 | 0 | A young shepherd is kidnapped and beheaded by Islamic extremists. |
2017.06.02 | Cameroon | Kolofata | 11 | 30 | Eleven are left dead when Islamists strap two girls with bombs and send them into a refugee camp. |
2017.06.01 | Iraq | Zanjili | 7 | 23 | Seven civilians are murdered for trying to flee the caliphate. |
2017.06.01 | Niger | Abala | 6 | 0 | Armed Jihadists roll up on a checkpoint and machine-gun a half-dozen border guards. |
2017.06.01 | Germany | Oldenburg | 1 | 0 | A father of two is stabbed to death by two Muslims for smoking during Ramadan and refusing to fast. |
2017.06.01 | Afghanistan | Behsud | 1 | 4 | A security guard outside an airport is killed by a Fedayeen suicide bomber. |
2017.06.01 | Yemen | al-Hazm | 6 | 15 | Terrorists set off a bomb at a marketplace that takes six lives. |
2017.06.01 | Iraq | Mosul | 163 | 0 | One-hundred and sixty-three civilians are massacred by the Islamic State as they attempt to flee the caliphate. |
2017.05.31 | Iraq | Mosul | 34 | 0 | Women and children are among thirty-four civilians executed point-blank for trying to flee the caliphate. |
2017.05.31 | Iraq | Hit | 3 | 7 | Three Iraqis are laid out by a Shahid suicide bomber. |
2017.05.31 | Iraq | Bab el-Beid | 5 | 0 | A child is among three civilians killed in a targeted attack by three suicide bombers. |
2017.05.31 | Kenya | Fafi | 1 | 0 | Islamists abduct and murder a teacher. |
2017.05.31 | Nigeria | Kaya | 14 | 0 | Islamists cut fourteen innocents to shreds with automatic weapons. |
2017.05.31 | Kenya | Mangai | 8 | 0 | Eight Kenyans are taken down by al-Qaeda linked bombers. |
2017.05.31 | Afghanistan | Kabul | 150 | 460 | The Haqqani network detonates a massive suicide truck bomb during rush that kills over ninety, including many women and children. |
2017.05.31 | Iraq | Sinjar | 2 | 2 | An ISIS booby-trap kills two people in their own home. |
2017.05.30 | Iraq | Shifa | 60 | 0 | Twenty-three women are found along with elderly men in grave containing the bodies of sixty Islamic State torture victims. |
2017.05.30 | Iraq | Bay Hassan | 3 | 6 | Three guards are killed during an ISIS attack at an oil facility. |
2017.05.30 | Iraq | Hit | 8 | 10 | A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out eight Iraqis. |
2017.05.30 | Iraq | Baqubah | 7 | 6 | A bomb blast at a rival mosque is one of two attacks that leave seven dead. |
2017.05.30 | Iraq | Karrada | 17 | 32 | A Sunni suicide bomber targets an ice cream shop in a Shiite area, killing sixteen mostly women and children. |
2017.05.30 | Iraq | Baghdad | 14 | 37 | Islamic State terrorists detonate a car bomb on a bridge during rush hour that claims that life of fourteen commuters. |
2017.05.30 | Pakistan | Peshawar | 1 | 0 | A man is shot to death at a mosque by suspected terrorists. |
2017.05.30 | Pakistan | Mattani | 4 | 0 | Four members of a peace committed are machine-gunned by Islam advocates. |
2017.05.30 | Iraq | Baghdad | 7 | 19 | Seven lives are claimed by four Mujahideen bomb blasts. |
2017.05.30 | Syria | al-Joura | 17 | 40 | Three children are among seventeen lives lost when ISIS militants send mortars into a residential area. |
2017.05.29 | Libya | Ghat | 1 | 4 | Suspected terrorists fire on a family, killing one member. |
2017.05.29 | Iraq | Shirqat | 1 | 3 | A child is disassembled by Islamic shrapnel at a market. |
2017.05.29 | Nigeria | Nguro | 5 | 0 | Five displaced persons are beheaded by Boko Haram. |
2017.05.28 | Iraq | Shirqat | 5 | 0 | Three children are obliterated along with their parents by an ISIS rocket attack on their home. |
2017.05.28 | Iraq | Mosul | 40 | 0 | Islamic State members turn their weapons on women and children fleeing the city, mowing down at least forty. |
2017.05.28 | Philippines | Marawi | 8 | 0 | Eight employees at a rice mill are murdered by Jihadists for ‚having betrayed their faith‘. |
2017.05.28 | Iraq | Mosul | 12 | 0 | Caliphate members set fire to a hospital and execute a dozen young people inside. |
2017.05.28 | Somalia | Ramo Adey | 1 | 0 | A 44-year-old man is buried up to his neck and stoned to death for adultery. |
2017.05.28 | Iraq | Baqubah | 3 | 16 | Three people are killed when a suicide bomber detonates outside a court. |
2017.05.28 | Afghanistan | Shakhil Abad | 2 | 0 | A man and his son are shot to death in their home by suspected fundamentalists. |
2017.05.28 | Nigeria | Gumsri | 7 | 0 | Seven villagers are machine-gunned in the middle of the night by Boko Haram. |
2017.05.27 | Philippines | Marawi | 19 | 0 | Three women and a child are among nineteen civilians found slain by Islamic extremists near a university. |
2017.05.27 | Afghanistan | Qadis | 14 | 17 | Mostly civilians are killed during a Taliban attack. |
2017.05.27 | Pakistan | Kacha Khuh | 1 | 0 | An 18-year-old is hacked to death with an axe by her brother for marrying by choice. |
2017.05.27 | Afghanistan | Khost | 18 | 6 | A Shahid suicide car bomber slaughters eighteen at a public bus station. |
2017.05.27 | Afghanistan | Charchino | 11 | 0 | A group fighting for Islamic law attacks checkpoints, killing at least eleven. |
2017.05.26 | Iraq | Baghdad | 1 | 3 | Jihadis bomb a market, killing a patron. |
2017.05.26 | Egypt | Minya | 29 | 23 | Christians on their way to a monastery make easy pickings for Islamic gunmen, who massacre twenty-eight – including ten children. |
2017.05.26 | Nigeria | Jiwa | 1 | 0 | A mob lynches a religious minority for urinating near a mosque. |
2017.05.26 | Iraq | Mosul | 27 | 0 | Five children are among twenty-seven civilians gunned down for trying to flee the caliphate. |
2017.05.25 | Afghanistan | Shah Wali Kot | 15 | 5 | Fifteen Afghans are mowed down during a Taliban attack. |
2017.05.25 | Egypt | Rafah | 3 | 0 | An Islamist bomb claims three lives. |
2017.05.25 | Afghanistan | Washir | 6 | 2 | A suicide bomber snuffs out six innocent lives. |
2017.05.25 | Afghanistan | Kunduz | 1 | 9 | A religious militant fires a shell outside a school that kills one student. |
2017.05.25 | Iraq | Mosul | 10 | 0 | Seven women and three children are executed for refusing sex to Jihadis. |
2017.05.25 | Cameroon | Makary | 1 | 0 | Islamists murder an off-duty soldier while he is playing soccer. |
2017.05.25 | Kenya | Liboi | 5 | 4 | al-Shabaab claims five more lives with an IED. |
2017.05.25 | Egypt | al-Arish | 1 | 0 | Religious radicals fire into a vehicle and kill a father in front of his family. |
2017.05.24 | Afghanistan | Maiwand | 13 | 8 | The Taliban attack a local military base, killing thirteen. |
2017.05.24 | Nigeria | Maiduguri | 3 | 0 | Islamists strap bombs to three women. |
2017.05.24 | Indonesia | Jakarta | 3 | 10 | Two suicide bombers detonate outside a bus terminal, killing three guards. |
2017.05.24 | Pakistan | Bannu | 1 | 0 | A polio vaccination supervisor is shot to death by fundamentalists. |
2017.05.24 | Iraq | Mosul | 23 | 0 | An ISIS booby-trap takes out a family of twenty-three taking shelter. The victims include pregnant women and children. |
2017.05.24 | Kenya | Mandera | 5 | 2 | Five Kenyans are brought down by Islamic bombers. |
2017.05.24 | Philippines | Marawi | 9 | 0 | Nine Christians are captured by Islamic militants and shot to death. |
2017.05.24 | Philippines | Malabang | 1 | 0 | A local police chief is beheaded by Muslim extremists. |
2017.05.24 | Kenya | Garissa | 3 | 8 | The Red Cross reports three dead from an al-Shabaab landmine. |
2017.05.24 | Somalia | Bari | 5 | 12 | Five people are exterminated by a Shahid suicide bomber. |
2017.05.24 | Pakistan | Ghourgushti | 1 | 0 | A man is stoned to death. |
2017.05.24 | Niger | Tillaberi | 3 | 0 | Jihadists gun down three innocents. |
2017.05.23 | Iraq | Sarjkhana | 13 | 0 | Thirteen civilians are executed for attempting to flee the caliphate. |
2017.05.23 | Mali | Aguelhok | 2 | 1 | Two UN Peacekeepers are murdered by Muslim extremists. |
2017.05.23 | Philippines | Marawi | 3 | 12 | Three security personnel are killed during a violent rampage by Abu Sayyaf. |
2017.05.23 | Thailand | Yala | 2 | 0 | Muslim ‚insurgents‘ open fire on a police patrol, killing two members. |
2017.05.23 | Syria | Homs | 4 | 30 | Four people are killed when suicide bombers detonate a truck bomb near an airport. |
2017.05.23 | Afghanistan | Maiwand | 3 | 4 | Civilians riding a tractor are pulverized by a Taliban bomb blast. |
2017.05.22 | Afghanistan | Nangarhar | 4 | 13 | Four civilians are cut to shreds by Taliban bullets. |
2017.05.22 | Pakistan | Tirah Valley | 5 | 3 | Five members of a peace committed are modularized by a Religion of Peace bomb blast. |
2017.05.22 | Afghanistan | Kohistanat | 5 | 0 | Five people on their way to a funeral are murdered by Sunni fundamentalists. |
2017.05.22 | Afghanistan | Puli Alam | 1 | 0 | The Taliban pick off a man on his way to a rival mosque. |
2017.05.22 | Iraq | Diyala | 4 | 4 | Five Islamic State suicide bombers kill four security personnel. |
2017.05.22 | England | Manchester | 22 | 119 | Children are among twenty-two young people blown up at a concert by a Fedayeen suicide bomber. |
2017.05.22 | Syria | Deir Ezzor | 7 | 20 | Two children are among seven lives claimed by Islamic State rockets. |
2017.05.22 | Iraq | Hawija | 18 | 0 | Eighteen civilians are executed by the Islamic State. |
2017.05.22 | Afghanistan | Shah Wali Kot | 11 | 9 | A attack by religious hardliners leaves eleven dead. |
2017.05.21 | Iraq | Mosul | 6 | 4 | A half-dozen Iraqis are disassembled by a Shahid suicide bomber. |
2017.05.21 | Iraq | Najjar | 3 | 0 | A Fedayeen suicide car bomber takes out three others. |
2017.05.21 | Syria | Tal Touqan | 14 | 24 | An ISIS suicide bomber blows up fourteen rival Islamists at a meeting place. |
2017.05.21 | Syria | Deir Ezzor | 15 | 63 | Children are among fifteen civilians picked apart by Islamic State shrapnel. |
2017.05.21 | Afghanistan | Shah Joi | 20 | 10 | At least twenty local cops lose their lives to a series of Taliban ambushes. |
2017.05.21 | Iraq | Mosul | 8 | 9 | Two separate ISIS suicide blasts leave eight others dead. |
2017.05.20 | Pakistan | Kohistan | 2 | 0 | A young couple is hacked to death on suspicion of sexual activity. |
2017.05.20 | Iraq | Hawija | 4 | 0 | Four civilians are brutally executed by caliphate members. |
2017.05.20 | India | Nowgam | 2 | 0 | Two border guards are murdered by Islamic terrorists. |
2017.05.20 | Pakistan | Karachi | 2 | 0 | Two locals are shot to death by Lashkar-e-Jhangvi. |
2017.05.20 | Nigeria | Mussa | 7 | 40 | Islamic terrorists open fire on villagers, killing at least seven. |
2017.05.20 | Nigeria | Dalori | 4 | 2 | Four displaced persons are beheaded by Boko Haram Islamists. |
2017.05.20 | Syria | Jazrat al-Boushams | 19 | 0 | Two children and two woman are among nineteen Shiites executed in their village by the Islamic State. |
2017.05.20 | Afghanistan | Gardez | 3 | 31 | Five suicide bombers storm a bank, killing three inside. |
2017.05.20 | Afghanistan | Kohat | 4 | 0 | Four police officers are machine-gunned point-blank in their vehicle by Jamaat-ul-Ahrar. |
2017.05.20 | Afghanistan | Kabul | 2 | 1 | Islamists storm a humanitarian group’s guest house, behead the guard and murder a German woman. |
2017.05.19 | Syria | Zuwyinah | 22 | 0 | A suicide bomber plows into a formerly liberated town, massacring twenty-two others. |
2017.05.19 | Iraq | Baghdad | 19 | 25 | Two suicide blasts leave nineteen Iraqis dead. |
2017.05.19 | Iraq | Sadra | 30 | 32 | Thirty pilgrims on a bus are pulled into parts by a Shahid suicide bomber. |
2017.05.19 | Iraq | Rumaila | 3 | 2 | A Fedayeen suicide bomber detonates at an oil field, killing three guards. |
2017.05.19 | Libya | Suluq | 6 | 11 | Six people are blown up by Muslim terrorists while leaving a rival mosque. |
2017.05.19 | Nigeria | Maiduguri | 0 | 4 | Three male suicide bombers attack a female hostel. |
2017.05.19 | Afghanistan | Mohammad Agha | 11 | 3 | Five children and five women are among a family of eleven blown into shreds by Sunni bombers while traveling to a wedding. |
2017.05.19 | USA | Tampa, FL | 2 | 0 | A recent convert shoots two people to death for disrespecting Islam. |
2017.05.19 | Syria | Maskanah | 1 | 0 | A man is tortured and beheaded for being an ‚infidel‘. |
2017.05.18 | Afghanistan | Marko Bazar | 5 | 0 | A religious extremist in uniform poisons and then shoots five colleagues… |
2017.05.18 | Syria | Salamiyeh | 52 | 0 | A horrible assault by the Islamic State on several Shiite towns leaves over fifty dead, including women and children who were de-limbed and beheaded. |
2017.05.18 | Iraq | Marir | 5 | 8 | A wave of Islamic State suicide bombers take out five Iraqis. |
2017.05.18 | Iraq | Tuz Khormato | 9 | 11 | Nine people at a market are sent to Allah by a Shahid suicide bomber. |
2017.05.18 | Iraq | Abu Ghraib | 2 | 8 | Jihadis set off a bomb at a popular market, killing two patrons. |
2017.05.18 | Iraq | Baghdad | 1 | 5 | Suspected ISIS bomb a store, killing one passerby. |
2017.05.18 | Iraq | Kirkuk | 2 | 15 | An ISIS attack on Kurds leaves two dead. |
2017.05.18 | Syria | Deir ez-Zor | 3 | 3 | Three residents are pulled into pieces by ISIS shrapnel |
2017.05.18 | Afghanistan | Herat | 1 | 2 | Islamists fire on a bus, killing one occupant. |
2017.05.18 | India | Gadoora | 1 | 0 | Islamic militants murder a 45-year-old man. |
2017.05.18 | Italy | Milan | 0 | 3 | A militant Muslim stabs three people at a train station. |
2017.05.17 | Iraq | Rawa | 4 | 0 | Four civilians are brutally shot to death by Islamic State members. |
2017.05.17 | Iraq | Mosul | 16 | 0 | Sixteen civilians are executed for attempting to flee the caliphate. |
2017.05.17 | Iraq | Mosul | 2 | 0 | An ISIS bomb planted in a family home disintegrates two occupants. |
2017.05.17 | Afghanistan | Jalalabad | 6 | 16 | Five employees and a guard are murdered during a suicide assault on a TV station by Religion of Peace proponents. |
2017.05.17 | Somalia | Wadajir | 3 | 0 | An Islamist car bomb takes out three sappers. |
2017.05.16 | Iraq | Madaen | 1 | 2 | A bomb blast at a grocery store leaves one dead. |
2017.05.16 | Iraq | Rutba | 2 | 3 | Islamic militants open fire on a group of border guards, killing two. |
2017.05.16 | Nigeria | Konduga | 2 | 6 | Three female suicide bombers kill two sleeping brothers at a refugee camp. |
2017.05.16 | Kenya | Liboi | 4 | 0 | Four are left dead after a family vehicle hits an al-Shabaab IED. |
2017.05.16 | Saudi Arabia | al-Masoura | 1 | 5 | Suspected Shiite radicals take out a local cop with an RPG. |
2017.05.16 | Afghanistan | Asad Abad | 2 | 0 | The Taliban fire a rocket into a market, killing two patrons. |
2017.05.16 | Afghanistan | Laghman | 2 | 3 | Two woman are killed and three children wounded by Sunni shrapnel aerating their home. |
2017.05.16 | Afghanistan | Dar-e-Tapa | 2 | 2 | Two children are reduced to pulp by a Taliban IED. |
2017.05.16 | Afghanistan | Kandahar | 1 | 10 | Fundamentalists kill one civilian with a planted bomb. |
2017.05.15 | Syria | Daraa | 2 | 0 | Two Syrians are beheaded by Jaish Khalid ibn al-Walid |
2017.05.15 | Kenya | Omar Jillo | 1 | 0 | Islamists burst into a family home and kill the father. |
2017.05.15 | Nigeria | Taraba | 12 | 0 | At least a dozen people are massacred by Muslim terrorists in attacks on five communities. |
2017.05.15 | Somalia | Qasahdhere | 0 | 7 | Islamists detonate a bomb at a restaurant. |
2017.05.15 | Syria | Deir Ezzor | 1 | 14 | One person is killed by a well-placed ISIS shell into a neighborhood. |
2017.05.15 | Iraq | Haditha | 2 | 4 | Two innocents are blown up in their own home by suicide bombers. |
2017.05.15 | Iran | Ahvaz | 2 | 4 | Sunni ’separatists‘ murder two local cops. |
2017.05.15 | Syria | Rukban | 6 | 12 | At least six refugees are blown apart by two bombs planted at their camp, |
2017.05.14 | Afghanistan | Zazi Aryub | 4 | 2 | Two civilians and two border guards are leveled by a fundamentalist bomb blast. |
2017.05.14 | Syria | Mayadin | 2 | 0 | A man and woman are stoned to death for adultery. |
2017.05.14 | Iraq | Shaanoun | 8 | 0 | Eight victims of a suspected ISIS execution are found in a mass grave, including five women. |
2017.05.14 | Iraq | Baghdad | 4 | 8 | Two Mujahideen blasts claim four lives. |
2017.05.14 | Pakistan | Walicheena | 2 | 0 | A politician and his driver are riddled with bullets by Islamic extremists. |
2017.05.14 | Egypt | Sheikh Zuweid | 3 | 8 | Three Egyptians are killed in two attacks by Islamic militants. |
2017.05.14 | Afghanistan | Mehtralam | 6 | 0 | Six children between the ages of 6 and 12 are disassembled by Sunni shrapnel. |
2017.05.14 | Mali | Aguelhok | 2 | 0 | A young couple is put in the ground and stoned for having unmarried sex. |
2017.05.14 | Iraq | Maliya | 7 | 0 | Seven civilians are vaporized by a Sunni rocket. |
2017.05.13 | Nigeria | Amarwa | 11 | 0 | At least eleven villagers are shot and hacked to death by Islamists. |
2017.05.13 | Syria | Bokamal | 2 | 0 | A child is among two people executed by the Islamic State. |
2017.05.13 | Nigeria | Maiduguri | 1 | 1 | Three suicide bombers detonate at a university, killing a security guard. |
2017.05.13 | Afghanistan | Kabul | 3 | 0 | Suspected Taliban murder two women and a small child with a sticky bomb. |
2017.05.13 | Iraq | Mosul | 9 | 3 | Suicide bombers murder nine Iraqis. |
2017.05.12 | Saudi Arabia | Awamiya | 2 | 0 | A 2-year-old child is among two innocents cut down by Shiite gunmen. |
2017.05.12 | Chad | Kaiga | 9 | 0 | At least nine others are killed during a surprise Boko Haram attack. |
2017.05.12 | Pakistan | Mastung | 27 | 37 | A massive suicide bomb blast snares over two dozen souls. |
2017.05.12 | Kenya | Nyeri | 2 | 0 | Two laborers are murdered by al-Shabaab… |
2017.05.11 | Iraq | Salahuddin | 3 | 0 | A young family of three is obliterated in their own home by Islamic shrapnel. |
2017.05.11 | Afghanistan | Adraskan | 7 | 0 | Two women and three children are among a family of seven exterminated by Taliban bombers. |
2017.05.11 | Iraq | Baghdad | 2 | 4 | Jihadi bombers vaporize two civilians. |
2017.05.11 | Iraq | Sallamiya | 64 | 0 | Sixty-four bodies wash up on the shore after snipers open fire on families crossing a river to escape the caliphate. |
2017.05.10 | Yemen | Duaan | 1 | 6 | An al-Qaeda suicide bomber kills one other person at a checkpoint. |
2017.05.10 | Egypt | Rafah | 13 | 2 | Islamic extremists machine-gun thirteen tribesmen point-blank. |
2017.05.10 | Bangladesh | Benipur | 1 | 1 | A firefighter is killed by a suicide bomber. |
2017.05.10 | Iraq | Abu Ghraib | 1 | 0 | A civilian is dismantled by Mujahid shrapnel. |
2017.05.10 | Nigeria | Buruku | 4 | 0 | Militant Muslims slaughter four more villagers. |
2017.05.10 | India | Kulgaon | 1 | 0 | Hizbul Mujahideen kidnap a 22-year-old man from a wedding and brutally execute him. |
2017.05.10 | Afghanistan | Spin Boldak | 2 | 3 | A bomb planted by Sharia activists leaves two dead. |
2017.05.09 | Afghanistan | Kandahar | 1 | 0 | A cleric is cut down by Religion of Peace rivals. |
2017.05.09 | Afghanistan | Arghandab | 1 | 0 | A civilian succumbs to Taliban shrapnel. |
2017.05.09 | Iraq | Hawija | 40 | 0 | Forty people are executed by the Islamic State. |
2017.05.09 | Afghanistan | Parwan | 9 | 0 | At least eight children and a teacher are sent straight to Allah by a bomb planted in their seminary classroom. |
2017.05.09 | Syria | Raqqa | 1 | 0 | A Russian captive is beheaded by Islamic State members. |
2017.05.09 | Thailand | Pattani | 1 | 62 | Children are among the casualties of two Muslim bomb blasts at a shopping center. |
2017.05.09 | Iraq | Mosul | 5 | 8 | Five people are killed in a series of ISIS attacks. |
2017.05.09 | Somalia | Goofgaduud | 17 | 0 | An al-Shabaab attack leaves at least seventeen dead. |
Nikola Tesla’s 5 „verloren gegangene“ Erfindungen, welche die globale Elite bedrohtenvon haunebu7 |
von cosmicus
Die meisten großen Erfindungen verändern die Gesellschaft grundlegend, in der sie existieren. Da die Menschen an der Spitze der sozialen Struktur mehr zu gewinnen haben, indem sie den Status quo verstärken, unterdrücken sie revolutionäre Technologien, die zwar für die Welt günstig sind, aber gefährlich für ihre Existenz.
Ingenieurgenie Nikola Tesla war keine Ausnahme.…
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