The Syria Pentagram — Vortex: Conscious and Courageousvon haunebu7 |
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Wednesday, April 6, 2016
The Syria Pentagram
The real occult reason for the Syrian conflict is the battle for the Syrian goddess vortex which is one of the most important key energy points in the planetary energy grid.
Whoever controls that energy point is very close to controlling the majority of the […]

...On Tuesday, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is expected to attend the country's Supreme People's Assembly, a high-profile gathering of the nation's leading political figures.
The meeting comes days before North Korea celebrates the April 15 birthday of deceased leader Kim Il Sung, Kim's grandfather -- amid speculation that Pyongyang will mark the occasion with bytesting missiles or possibly a nuclear device. [...]
Many analysts believe the movement of US warships is likely defensive in nature, setting the stage for a scenario in which the Vinson strike group could be called upon to perform a missile intercept. [...]
This is a minor component of a much larger ongoing STRUG discussion on the explosive "2017: The Year We Go Nuclear" pattern detected early April.

By Hani Dweik
I was once told that cities are like women! Each has its taste, shape, scent and beauty.
If this is the case, then Aleppo is no woman! She is a Goddess. An immortal Goddess that managed to travel through time and still looking young and vibrant as a 15 year old who is full of energy and enthusiasm to look for anything new.
The last time; and the only time I was in Aleppo was back in July 2009. I fell in love with that city instantly. I never knew what the secret that this city in particular has!
Is it the charm of the old and ancient houses that each one of them can tell you a thousand stories of its inhabitants? Was it the smell of spices and rose petals in the old Souq?
Was it the diversity of people who walks down the street smiling and looking at you with a proud look that says
If I was asked to describe the city in one word only, it would be MAGIC!
That is because, while you are there, you would lose track of time. You would never realise that you have spent hours walking in the streets of the city, until your legs can no longer support you.
Then came 2011, and everything was changed.
Aleppo tried to stay out of the conflict as much as she could. But they would not allow her. They dragged her in this hateful conflict, which not only destroyed physical actual structures, but also crushed souls and spirits.
The whole Syrian conflict did not hit, until one morning while having my coffee and watching the news.
The Aleppo Souq; which is the oldest running market in the world and a UNICEF heritage site, was no longer there! It was burned. Destroyed. How could it be?! Who can do such a thing?!
It was that moment when I realised that this, is no ordinary conflict.
The city that was once one of the most important cities on the Silk Road; the city that harboured one of the oldest Synagogues, the city that is famous for its cuisine and music, the city that is famous for its hospitality and welcoming … is no longer there. Instead, it was replaced by rubbles, hate, thirst for destruction and blood.
More and more, I’m convinced that this region is destined to be restless. Aleppo is no exception I’m afraid.
From the beginning of time, the Middle East lived and still lives in turmoil. Jerusalem, Beirut, Baghdad and Aleppo, are just few to mention of cities in the Middle East that bled and still bleeding. Who is responsible for that?!
Well, everybody blames everybody else. Everyone claims they are on the “right side”. Everyone claims that their “God” is better than everyone else’s “God”.
However, in my own “text book”, God is love. God is mercy. God is welcoming.
So obviously I believe in a different God.
A God that tells me hate brings hate, while love will certainly bring love.
So here is my message to Aleppo; hold one my beautiful Goddess. The day will come when you will rise and shine again. The day when your music will be the sound to be heard in the streets instead of artillery, the day when spices and roses are the smell in the streets instead of blood and smoke.
So from Jerusalem, Baghdad and Beirut; I send you love.
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
The Syria Pentagram
Biographie Amandus Kupfer - Part 3Biografie zum 50. Todestag von Amandus Kupfer. 20. März 2002.© 2002-2017 Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm
Biographie Amandus Kupfer - Part 2Biografie zum 50. Todestag von Amandus Kupfer. 20. März 2002.© 2002-2017 Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm
Biographie Amandus Kupfer - Part 1Biografie zum 50. Todestag von Amandus Kupfer. 20. März 2002.© 2002-2017 W. Timm

Juni 1941 Letzte Ausgabe von „DgM“ 101 by Amandus Kupfer. Nürnberg.
Juni 1991 Akademische Publikation zur Selbstverantwortung by Wolfgang Timm. Heidelberg.
Rettung jedoch über die Schweiz.

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Quelle DgM Nr. 51. An den großen, charaktervollen, idealen Frauennaturen sind die großen Männer und Völker emporgewachsen, an den charakterlosen, lieblosen, sittenlosen zugrunde gegangen. |
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Geprägte Kindheit auf Sylt 60er Jahre in einem Reetdach-Haus von 1761 - davor Sohn Jorge aus Madrid, Sommer 2004. |
Der Sämlingvon bmh |
Thanks COBRA
ReplyThank you dear Cobra
ReplySending you energy. You should also take some probiotics and cut out sugars for now. (Candida infection?) Be well!
Try magnesium
Sending healing prayers Andre♡
Hello, it sounds like you're suffering from constipation. Instead of relying on Internet strangers' power rocks to heal you, here are a few actions you can take to alleviate your symptoms: eat more foods that are rich in fiber, drink more water, and, if absolutely necessary, take some laxatives. If your condition gets worse, please see a medical doctor for professional advice and treatment. Good luck and take care.
<3 Peace and Love i feel deeply for you will think of you tonight in my meditation before bed ...
stop eating meat and start eating prunes and vegetables and fruit.
I asked my stone to help ... I don't know how well I am able to communicate with it, but rest assured even thought I don't know what I'm doing I made a wish to it for you to get better/heal.
Okay, I asked my stone to help you. But you could help yourself by eating a banana or two a day. It will work wonders and is very simple.
Woow... i'm not good in this, but, you have to stay positive, everything will be fine, i wish you well!!
I will be sending you healing but also try a complete detox.There are many modalities and choices that you can find on-line. Also try Senna Leaves tea it really helps and strengthens the intestines too.
Hi Andre. Lots of good advice from all the above. Very simply - I WOULD EAT ONLY FRUITS, VEGETABLES, NUTS & SEEDS & maybe a little whole grain & plenty of water for at least a couple of weeks NO SUGAR, then keep to this as much as possible. The body is a miracle and can improve rapidly with right treatment. Good luck to you!
And may SHE finally be at PEACE and know PEACE once again! Peace and Victory of the LIGHT!
ReplyOK...I have been using This piece of Halafian pottery over Syria daily as part of my daily meditation!
ReplyThat Halafian pottery tricky with the eyes lol Peace And Love to all
ReplyKameran for president !
It seems Soros has started much of the problems in the world. Sure hope that he is on the priority list of The Event.
ReplySoros is a dirty Puppet.
Just look at his face! His soul is rotten
which proves its not coincidence but a false flag war :(
ReplyIm sorry..but this whole Goddess thing turms my stomach. Modern women today treat males like garbage. the last thing I need is "goddess worship". Rolls eyes.
ReplyIf a woman will be able to see a Goddess in herself, she will be able to see a God in men. You can't see Shiva if you don't see Parvati..
Any woman who treats ANYONE like garbage is not a goddess. It takes more than a vagina to make a goddess.
So if that was the case, please forgive them, so you can let go your frustration, okay? I wish for you to meet a woman from your soulfamily or soulmategirl that treats you with love and respect and honors who you are, so you can grow together in harmony and enjoy life. <3
We all can become a bitch sometimes, women and men, especially when we suffer severe sleep deprivation. This condition is the worst for triggering the "bitchy days", i noticed. Lol
Great insights, Freia!
Thank you for sharing your experience! I am glad that you received the healing you so desperately needed. Personally, I bought one of the first tachyonized cintamani stones that Cobra sold. It did have a profound influence on me that was quite tangible. However, eventually that wore off. The energy of our world is just too toxic for the positive effects to last long. That is why we need the Event! Liberation NOW!!
Cintamani stones may need recharging in sunlight like gem stones? Just a thought. Do they need purification like gem stones? I don't know. I doubt it but just wondering.
@Megan, I would imagine that each person is going to have a different experience with the Cintamani Stone because we are each different. No one person’s experience is more “correct” or “true” than anyone else’s. If you have different and ongoing experiences with your stone, great! However, that has not been the case for me. As I said, and I stand by what I said, when I first got my stone I had a flurry of different experiences but they have since stopped. My stone is now completely dormant and inert. Perhaps when the Event happens it will become active again. I don’t know. But I know what I experience now and no one else can convince me differently.
Each and every person that is able to visit a tachyon chamber, helps themselves and helps the earth, in my humble opinion. It is a humbling and beautiful blessing. Regarding the cintamani stones, has anyone noticed their stone getting lighter? I am sure I could not see through mine when I received it and now I can. A long time a go my little sister called me cinti which I now recall.
ReplyWe created a meditation on facebook Healing Syria Pentagram every Thursday 7 pm utc
ReplyThanks for the update!!!
ReplyCobra & crew, the cool "mysticism" that you are involved is in reality sexual foreplay by the Goddess.
ReplyHmmm--- I think I really like this post. Sounds wonderful to me.
can we have some info on the US Presidential race please Cobra (besides Trump news!)
ReplyThe whole thing is a circus.
The whole world stage is a Circus INDEED! Putin included.
one step up... the whole reality is a circus ;)
business as usual.. :) sound about right as an update.
The feminine/masculine energy is inside each one of us. It is our responsibility to come to self inner balance of our being. Our inner world creates our outer world.
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Replymay Goddess energy smother all the haters with big smooches of love, light and harmony.
ReplyCobra I do hope you start activating masculine god portals across the planet as well, I think if we balance the energies things may go alot smoother. So if there is conferences to be held on god portals I think many of us would be interested in attending. I love the feminine energy to but I do think masculine energy balanced with the feminine energies will help the people get out of their victimhood state and fight the dark forces more effectively.- Thanks Tim
ReplyNice. Agreed! Thanks Hye.
Thanks HYE ANGEL!!! Beautiful words!!
HYE ANGEL. Well said I couldn't agree more on everything you said. BEAUTIFUL
Haha! Good joke. US always gone too far.
you will be surprise... the cutting of the feed is just enough to maintain the ignorance alive... People will tend not to ask questions anymore.. they will thing is "normal" event
Yeah, well, it's annoying. But we got to see pretty much in the video.. Haha
Please Cobra , tell Mr Putin that we love and that everything you hear about him is false and we appreciate it. Send him this message of love please . thank you
ReplyThank you for this VERY valuable information, Cobra.
ReplyLet there be Light!!!
ReplyPraised be HIS name and ALL HIS glory and righteousness. I AM eternally grateful.
How are they?I doubt Wikipedia tell the whole story.
I can tell for 100% first-hand experience that they are archons. Not "hmm, they kinda look like them...", but rather a perfect match.
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Sara, I thought the same thing.I said to myself, "I hope he's wrong"
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I sure hope you participate in the massive energy that is coming tonight. 11:00 p.m. PDT or 2:00 a.m. sunday EDT.
For LIVE interactive conversations with fellow beings of light that are geared towards the aspirations of the Prepare For Change Network, we welcome you to join our Skype group:
ReplyWhat hour will it be in Spain... ? Thank you!
In Spain, this energy will start in at 8:00 a.m. Sunday morning, 7:00 a.m. in Canary Island area. You must raise your vibration and meditate for 3 hours if you can and listen to soft meditation music and visualize all your friends and family and think of what you would like this world to be after The Event and what you want your life to be like after The Event. Your body will act like a transmitter or repeater of this energy to those you think about. This is the first wave of the event, more to come.
HYE ANGEL. Well said I couldn't agree more on everything you said. BEAUTIFUL
ReplyRob is gone now. End of story. It is boring to keep talking about it.
In my humble opinion ego opens the door to trouble. Rob is knowledgeable and has helped many and likely was the target of intense darkness and a good lesson to all to keep your ego in check.
@Hye Angel, yes, it is a little boring to keep rehashing why Rob quit (or the other way around). But the reason I replied is because you told everyone NOT to reply. You should also know that I, of ALL people, don’t appreciate being told what to do. ;-))
The most powerful spots are already control by the Saturn pentagram you keep showing and in Europe and the islands outside of Europe is the strongest of the fields you speak of.
ReplyStrange. Type - phi golden ratio - in google and it gives the wrong number.
Replythat's because it calculates phi^2.
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ReplyI don't trust Your Newswire.
@ orange juice. I respectfully disagree one about Putin and the other about Obama. He does not appear smart, a good strategist or leader. It is obvious to most that he is a mind controlled puppet whereas Putin is out thinking, out manoevering at every turn. I feel Putin is working for humanity. Time will tell and by their actions they will be known.
Good news & good progress! Thanks to all the Light Workers getting this job done!
yes. thanks and gratitude goes out to those who helped deliver the cintamani to antarctica. wonderful news.
best if we know little to none info about this operation... ... just saying.
Anyone notice during Sunday's global meditation that the Matrix wobble fluxed? House of cards? London Bridge is going to fall down.
Replysend your AIDS question or modified question to the PFC address... the email that Cobra listed..
R we there yet...
ReplyMmm... i didn't hear the interwiev yet but i don't think that is false, i mean... why they would say all that and then being fake? We'll have to wait...
ReplyWhat kind of drug dealer are you?
LOl. I could ask you the same question.
Oh don't mind me, just chilling here.
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ReplyMy Goodness DK! That's a hit. Four nine fine feels like a weak end's in Hand.
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Adamu & Zingdad? Not to worry folks - I started reading this article - and whole thing is simply channelled psyop/disinfo/garbage. Talking about how the cabal have performed nothing wrong & why are they so harshly judged? Couldn't stomach reading much of it. A great discredit to the site that posts such tripe.
My only hope is that the strangelet and toplet bombs get removed before any other arm battle forecast. I have read on previous posts about the Turkey or Putin's involvement in some prophecies.. can we create a new prophecy as we stand... Holding on to potential old prophecies is most depressing for anxious hearts. Not to mention is a reminder of the old paradigm... a path defined by someone else's writing.
What news organizations are reporting it? The ones controlled by the cabal? Raqqa is still under their control, but not Aleppo. If Cobra state the LF and RM have control in those three cities, then they do.
I like this right here, wish I could be there
ReplyThe why the media is silent?
what happened to the new post?
ReplyIs there shedule somewhere?
COBRA...THIS IS TRUE...Cintamani Stone for Antarctica...Mission Antarctica accomplished..Gerhard Voelker en Sisterhood of the Rose...PREPAREFORCHANGE.
ReplyI look forward meeting you soon, Cobra. It's not gonna be in a conference.
ReplyPrimary anomaly...