"2017: The Year We Go Nuclear"
9/11 Golden Ratio [UPDATED]
I'm gonna go ahead and share this bit of timely temporal (potentially predictive) information:~ 9/11 Golden Ratio timeline ~

...On Tuesday, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is expected to attend the country's Supreme People's Assembly, a high-profile gathering of the nation's leading political figures.
The meeting comes days before North Korea celebrates the April 15 birthday of deceased leader Kim Il Sung, Kim's grandfather -- amid speculation that Pyongyang will mark the occasion with by testing missiles or possibly a nuclear device. [...]
Many analysts believe the movement of US warships is likely defensive in nature, setting the stage for a scenario in which the Vinson strike group could be called upon to perform a missile intercept. [...]
* * *
This is a minor component of a much larger ongoing STRUG discussion on the explosive
"2017: The Year We Go Nuclear" pattern detected early April.
Can't say it's looking good this year.

--- UPDATE April 12 ---
As noted by reader Naomi, the USS Carl Vinson (Carl Vinson Strike Group) currently headed to North Korea (Korean peninsula) is the warship from the deck of which the body of Osama bin Laden was buried at sea in May 2011!

It got pretty intense...

Tense border
Earlier in the day, Pence visited the Korean demilitarized zone (DMZ), which he described as the "frontier of freedom."
The DMZ is the highly-fortified de facto border between North and South Korea. It's four kilometers (2.5 miles) wide, stretches 250 kilometers (160 miles) and is dotted with military guard posts, mines and defensive structures.
It was established by the 1953 armistice agreement which ended the Korean War, though both sides technically remain at conflict as no peace treaty has ever been signed.
At the Panmunjom Joint Security Area, which Pence visited Monday, North and South Korean soldiers stand watch feet away from each other, the only place where the two forces come face to face.
Blue huts straddle the border, where tense negotiations have been held between the North, South and the US since armistice.
US options on North Korea
Echoing the remarks of US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on North Korea last month, Pence said the "era of strategic patience is over."
The US has leaned on China -- North Korea's main ally -- to apply pressure on Pyongyang to curtail its nuclear ambitions.
At the same it's increased its military footprint in the region by deploying a naval carrier strike group to waters off the Korean Peninsula.
US President Donald Trump held a summit with Chinese President Xi Jinping earlier this month, and has praised China's turning back of North Korean coal ships as a "big step" forward in the effort to enlist Chinese pressure on Pyongyang.
Source: CNN.
And the USS Carl Vinson kept making big headlines...

This is still an ongoing situation and as my time code indicated this is going to be very serious.
Nuclear serious.
With some key dates ahead this year...
26 APRIL 2017
We must all push to make sure the criminal US corporate government is shut down on May 1st
Although hard experience has taught me not to fixate on particular dates, multiple independent sources are all saying something huge might happen on May 1st.
In the corporate propaganda media this is the day when a US government shut down will happen unless the debt ceiling is raised.
It is also the day when Puerto Rico, a wholly owned subsidiary of the US corporate government, is expected to go bankrupt.
Sources in the CIA, the gnostic Illuminati, Japanese military intelligence and the Pentagon say this is the day when the world has a fighting chance to permanently shut down the US corporate government and re-establish the Republic of the United States of America known popularly as “the gold ole USA.”
The White Dragon Society is lobbying the US corporate government’s main creditors, Japan and China, to not grant the corporate government any more extensions as long as they remain under Khazarian mafia control.
They are being told the controlled demolition of the US corporate government would end financing for endless wars, Daesh, false flag terrorism, the spread of bio-weapons etc. etc.
The Khazarian mafia
has become what can only be described as institutionally insane in recent days as the bankruptcy deadline looms.
Recent attempts to start World War 3 in Syria and North Korea are being followed up with repeated threats of nuclear and bio-terror and such insanity will no doubt continue until they are permanently put out of business.
It is no coincidence that a new head of the Knights of Malta will be selected on April 29th,
just before the US Corporation’s bankruptcy deadline.
The Grand Master of the Order, Mathew Festing, was fired recently by the pope ostensibly in a dispute over condoms.
However, sources in Japanese military intelligence, the Italian P2 Freemason Lodge and MI6 all confirm the fascist faction of the Knights of Malta, headed by Festing, was deeply involved in the March 11, 2011 tsunami and nuclear terror attack against Japan.
The self-described Satanist Leo Zagami,
who sent this writer e-mails threatening to sink Japan into the sea immediately after Fukushima, also claimed to be a leader of the Knights of Malta.
As a side note, a friend recently visited Fukushima with a Geiger counter and was unable to detect anything other than normal background radiation.
In any case,
The Knights of Malta,
ostensibly a charitable organization, are the oldest military order in the Catholic Church and the fascist faction of that order has been secretly responsible for controlling world leaders through a combination of bribery, threats and murder.
In other words, they have been one of the main the enforcement arms of the secret world government.
They have also exercised strong influence over the US military as many top brass are Knights of Malta.
an election involving 60 knights will in fact have a decisive influence over the future of the planet, especially the USA.
Message from Benjamin Fulford
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