Blog über Carl Huter´s Original-Menschenkenntnis & Kallsiophie, nichtakademisch, im aktuellen Kontext.

Dienstag, 18. April 2017


[Immortality and exponential expansion into the universe will come after final cabal defeat]

[WAR as the ultimate cover story for the coming financial collapse


Die okkulte Bedeutung der Matrix-Trilogie – Matrix decoded


as its called, means “death by government,” 

and it exterminated 262 million lives over the last century of so. ]

Schokokuchen und 59 „Tommerhack“ zum Nachtisch!


In einem Interview mit dem US-Sender Fox Business, 

legt Donald Trump recht offenherzig die Masken beiseite 


zeigt überheblich sein arrogantes, geschmackloses und skrupelloses ,wahres Gesicht. 

Das Gesicht eines Mannes, dem offensichtlich ,der Überschuss an „Macht“ zu Kopf gestiegen ist 

und der ganz anders, als er in seinem Wahlkampf behauptet hat, 

exakt die Art des Psychopathen repräsentiert, den sich das US-Terrorregime als Handpuppe im Weißen Haus gewünscht hat.


 Du lebst in der Truman Show

Mittwoch, Apr 12 2017 


Wir haben dieses entlarvende Interview mit Hilfe der Übersetzung von Paul Breuer synchronisiert und dies in einem kurzen, audiovisuellen Kunstwerk verpackt. Zudem haben wir einige Aussagen von tatsächlichen Friedensaktivsten, den Aussagen der Apologeten des militärisch-kriminellen Komplexes und der Finanzmafia gegenübergestellt.


Der Pass von Neo läuft am 11. September 01 ab. Screenshot aus dem Film „Matrix“.


Dr. Dahlia Wasfi, oder etwa Mike Prysner (Irak-Kriegsveteran), beschreiben in ihren leidenschaftlichen Reden die Sinnlosigkeit und die Schrecken der Kriege, die den Völkern nur Leid und einer herrschenden Schicht Macht und Reichtum bringen. 

Die Feinde befinden sich nicht in weit entfernten Ländern, sie sitzen vor unserer eigenen Haustür: Politiker, Militärs, Rüstungskonzerne, Spekulanten.

Manipulation statt Information ?

" So bringt ein Drecksblatt Tag für Tag die deutsche Sprache um, um auch dem mörderischsten Krieg einen gebildeten Anstrich zu verleihen.

Am Beispiel eines süddeutschen Drecksblattes "

Link zum Artikel:

"*" Auszug aus dem Artikel vom Autor: U. Gellermann - 10. April 2017


Zum Ende hin, im Abspann, haben wir dann noch 

zwei Beispiele der „alternativen Hochleistungsmedien“ angeführt, wobei durchaus eine etwas größere Auswahl zur Verfügung stünde, die sich z. B. darüber hinaus sogar an sog. Desinformations-Kampagnen beteiligen und den systematischen Betrug promoten. 

Diese Beispiele gelten jedoch lediglich exemplarisch und sollen darauf hinweisen, daß die „Freund / Feind“ – Kennung, auch im sog. „alternativen“ Bereich, nicht gerade einfach und auch nicht vollends überschaubar ist. 

Etwaige „eigene“ Ansprüche auf eine absolute, reine Wahrheitsverbreitung wären selbstverständlich immens vermessen und werden ausdrücklich nicht erhoben. 

Fortsetzung Blog Helioda1 auf CHZA1 Blog:

Neuer Blog DgM: DgM_001v101 (HELIODA1)

[NB W. Timm / Helioda1 / CHZA: Carl Huter "CAUTION HYPNOSIS!"]

Die Beurteilungsfreiheit und eigene Sichtweise der Dinge bleiben bei jedem selbst!

Synchronisation und Aufarbeitung: MOYO Film – Videoproduktion

Übersetzung: Paul Breuer

Sprecher © Stoffteddy (Ton-Mix / 2017
© Cassandra

Schnitt, Arrangement, Bearbeitung: Jan (

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Truth About Easter and The Secret Worship of The Anunnaki

Truth About Easter and The Secret Worship of The Anunnaki — World Truth.TV

The following article is based on J. R. Terrier’s book “History of Easter – Hidden, Secret Origins and Mystery Religion“. 

Easter is an annual celebration observed throughout the Christian world. However, Full Article »

über Truth About Easter and The Secret Worship of The Anunnaki — World Truth.TV

Further – the Bible does not mention anything about Easter eggs, Easter baskets, Easter bunnies, or even Lent. 

The author includes convincing evidence to show that these very items were parts of the pagan rituals of the Mystery Religion of ancient Babylon.

Where did the tradition of celebrating Easter originate? 

The author exposes the hidden accounts of the original Easter festival which was initiated several thousand years ago – many years before the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus.

Easter – Anunnaki Connections

The name Easter actually comes from Ishtar / Easter who was worshiped as the moon goddess, the goddess of spring and fertility, and the Queen of Heaven. She is known by so many other names in other countries and cultures that she is often referred to as the goddess of one thousand names.

[Inanna is the Sumerian name of Ishtar, and definitely the most important one. Inanna was the granddaughter of Enlil, who in turn was Anu’s son. Anu was the highest ranking Anunnaki and his name translated “Great Sky Father”. Anu was revered as ‘god of the Heavens’ and he was the central figure of mankind’s first religion. According to the Sumerian tablets, he only visited Earth twice].

The Babylonian Connections

(John 8:44, II Corinthians 11:14, 1 Peter 5:8) Ishtar – the Babylonian goddess – is the one for whom Easter is named. Ishtar is but another name for Semiramis – the wife of Nimrod. This post-Flood festival was part of the false religion Mystery Babylon and was started by Nimrod and his wife Semiramis (also known as Ishtar).

They not only instituted the building of the Tower of Babel, they also established themselves as god and goddess to be worshiped by the people of Babylon. They are the co-founders of all the counterfeit religions that have ever existed.

Nimrod was worshiped as the Sun God. He was worshiped in numerous cultures and countries under a variety of names: Samas, Attis, Uti, Merodach/Marduk, Ninus, Bel/BaalMoloch, Tammuz – the list is virtually endless. [He was also known as Dumuzi by the Sumerians and as RA by the Egyptians.

Millions of people are unknowingly worshiping and praying to this pagan goddess today. What is her present-day name?

The Babylonians celebrated the day of Ishtar / Easter as the return of the goddess of Spring – the re-birth or reincarnation of Nature and the goddess of Nature. Babylonian legend says that each year a huge egg would fall from heaven and would land in the area around the Euphrates River.

[The pope’s ceremonial clothes copy those worn by the ancient priests of Dagon, and not by coincidence. According to the Sumerian tablets, when the Anunnaki god Enki first arrived on Earth, he landed his space ship on water. He later emerged from water wearing his ‘scaly fish-suit’ (astronaut’s suit?). Thousands of years later, the ceremony of the fish god was still celebrated in Akkadia, Assyria and Babylon, by the priests of Dagon… and seemingly it still is today].

In her yearly re-birth, Ishtar would break out of this egg and if any of those celebrating this occasion happened to find her egg, Ishtar would bestow a special blessing on that person. Does this explain the origin of our modern-day tradition of Easter eggs and baskets and Easter egg hunts?

Other pagan rites that were connected with this celebration and which are part of our modern Easter tradition are Easter offerings to the Queen of Heaven (consisting of freshly cut flowers, hot buns decorated with crosses, and star-shaped cakes); new clothes to celebrate this festival (The pagan priests wore new clothes or robes and the Vestal Virgins wore new white dresses or robes and bonnets on their heads.); and sunrise services (to symbolically hasten the yearly arrival of Ishtar’s egg from heaven – the re-incarnation of the spring goddess).

[The Vatican is secretly perpetuating the ancient pagan rituals and the worship of their ancient “gods” – a.k.a. the Anunnaki. The shadow religion of the world’s “elite” is Satanism and all the positions of power are occupied by Satanists].

The Satanic Connections

Easter has its origins in the world of the occult. The Occult / Satanic calender is comprised of four periods of 13 weeks each. Occultists believe that numbers contain inherent power, and many base their lives on numerology. Numerology is also a key component of astrology – another system occultists follow closely. Thus the occult calendar is divided into 4 parts of 13 weeks each. Note that 13 x 4 = 52 weeks – our year.

In the occult system, the number 6 = man, the number 7 = divine perfection or god, and the number 13 = rebellion against authority and depravity. So, in the occult or satanic world, the number 13 represents the state of man’s having reached divine perfection, self-achieved perfection, and illumination.

According to 8th century scholar St. Bede (also known as the Venerable Bede / Bede, the Venerable), the name Easter is derived from the Scandinavian “Ostra” and the Teutonic “Ostern” or “Eastre” – both of whom were goddesses of mythology and were identified with spring and fertility.

Festivals for these goddesses were celebrated on the first day of the vernal equinox – March 21.Important parts of these pagan celebrations included the rabbit, red eggs, and gifts – all of which represented fertility. Easter is steeped in the Mysteries of ancient Babylon – an evil and idolatrous system.

The Satanic Ritual of Sacrificing Children

Every year, the priests of Ishtar would impregnate young virgins on an altar dedicated to herself and her husband*. The children were born on Christmas (!!!), and the next year they were sacrificed in the Easter’s Sunday at the sunrise service. The priests would take Ishtar’s eggs and dye them in the blood of the sacrificed children.

*Inanna’s husband was none other that the infamous god Moloch or Melekh, to whom children were – and still are – sacrificed in Satanic rituals. Satanism is the religious worship of the Anunnaki, and the human and animal sacrifices were/are part of the rituals.

If you’re finding it hard to believe, then here is an excerpt of the Encyclopaedia Judaica, which identifies Ishtar/Inanna and her husband as the gods to whom children were sacrificed:

“(…) The identification of Hadad-Baal with Moloch provides the background to Jeremiah 32:35, which fulminates against the bamot-altars of Baal in the valley of Ben-Hinnom where male and female children were burnt to Moloch, i.e., Baal-Hadad. Furthermore, a series of Assyrian-Aramean documents analyzed by K. Deller showed that Adadmilki or Adadšarru (“Adad the king”) was actually the god to whom children, sometimes firstborn, were burned (see below).

“The Assyrian material sheds new light on II Kings 17 where Adadmelech (to be read instead of Adrammelech) is the god to whom the Sepharvites burn/dedicate their children (verse 31). Adadmelech in this verse stands next to Anammelech who has been correctly related by scholars to Anath who bears the title ‘Queen of Heaven,’ the standard term for Ishtar in Akkadian (šarrat šamê; cf. Sumerian nin.anna.ak = Inanna). The pair Adad and Ishtar, or the ‘king’ and the ‘queen,’ are the ones to whom children are dedicated in the Assyrian-Aramean documents quoted above.” – The Cult of Moloch, Jewish Library;

The following image was secretly taken during a Satanic ritual in which a human body (child?) was burned in front of a wooden owl statue dedicated to Ishtar/Inanna/Moloch, 

at Bohemian Grove:

Most of the world’s “elite” (active and former Presidents, Prime Ministers, Politicians, Judges, etc. and even Royalty), take part at this annual ritual. Notice the fish-god priests conducting the ritual.

Here is a depiction of Ishtar/Inanna flanked by a couple of owls, and designed to look like an owl herself (notice the legs and wings):

More Inconsistencies

Our traditional Good Friday to Sunday celebration however only accounts for Jesus’ being in the heart of the earth for two nights and one day. Were the facts of Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection purposely distorted? Learn who is not telling the truth — and why!

The author has investigated credible and reliable ancient sources to uncover the real origins of our Easter tradition. Was Jesus nailed to a cross or a tree? Is the true church a physical building — or is it something much more?

There are absolutely no verses anywhere in the Bible that authorize or endorse the keeping of an Easter celebration. Further, the Bible says nothing about the practice of observing Lent, dying Easter eggs, having
Easter egg hunts, baskets of candy, bonnets – and so on. Easter has long been known to be a pagan festival. America’s founders knew this.

In the children’s book Easter Parade: Welcome Sweet Spring Time (pp 4-5) Steve Englehaty states:

“When the puritans came to North America, they regarded the celebration of Easter – and the celebration of Christmas with suspicion. They knew that pagans had celebrated the return of spring long before Christians celebrated Easter. (…) For the first 200 years of European life in North America, only a few states – mostly in the South – paid much attention to Easter.

“Not until after the Civil War did Americans begin celebrating this holiday… Easter first became an American tradition in the 1870’s… The original 13 colonies of America began as a Christian nation, with the cry of ‘No king but King Jesus’. The nation did not observe Easter within an entire century of its founding.”

Most people accept traditions as fact because they have been part of our culture for so long. Unfortunately, most of these traditions are dark and gory Satanic rituals.

Trust me, I am just as disgusted as you are (or should be), but the truth must be known.

Article based on J. R. Terrier’s article published on Mystery Babylon; | Additions by Alexander Light,; | Child sacrifice connection: Jewish Virtual Library;



Eine Beratung des Staatsgründers und ersten Staatspräsidenten von Israel beim Huter-Schüler und physiognomischen Schriftsteller Amandus Kupfer.

Damaliger Jüdischer Zionisten-Führer Chaim Weizmann besuchte in den 20er Jahren vergangenen 20. Jahrhunderts von einem jüdischen Zionisten-Kongress in Zürich kommend den bedeutsamsten Huter-Schüler Amandus Kupfer in seinem Domizil Schwaig bei Nürnberg.

Es ging damals ausdrücklich um die Frage Gründung eines neuen jüdischen Staates Israel.
Unser Huter-Schüler beschied dieses Ansinnen Chaim Weizmann positiv! Nach tatsächlicher Gründung des Staates Israel wurde Chaim Weizmann dessen erster Präsident.


Somit sind wir Huter-Freunde die wahren Freunde von Israel und seinen Menschen!

Quellen: Denkschrift Käthe Kupfer 1962; 
Der gute Menschenkenner Nr. 1 und Nr. 2, 1932.

JAHR 1932

Es ist belegbare Wissenschafts-Historische Tatsache, daß Huter-Freunde publizistisch schon im Jahr 1932 damalige deutsche Bevölkerung und somit die Weltöffentlichkeit vor Adolf Hitler gewarnt hatten! Diplomatisch im Ausdruck und dennoch klar in der Aussage! 

in Gefahr und Not vor der GESTAPO unter Lebensgefahr von Huter-Schüler Amandus Kupfer -sozusagen im Untergrund geschrieben:


Digital-Wieder-veröffentlicht von Carl-Huter-Zentral-Archiv durch Mensch wolfgangvonbraunschweig auf Hauptseite Carl-Huter-Zentral-Archiv

Amandus Kupfer: Das Buch von 1941 - Part 13                                
Amandus Kupfer: Das Buch von 1941 - Part 12                                
Amandus Kupfer: Das Buch von 1941 - Part 11                                
Amandus Kupfer: Das Buch von 1941 - Part 10                                
Amandus Kupfer: Das Buch von 1941 - Part 9                                
Amandus Kupfer: Das Buch von 1941 - Part 8                                
Amandus Kupfer: Das Buch von 1941 - Part 7                                
Amandus Kupfer: Das Buch von 1941 - Part 6                                
Amandus Kupfer: Das Buch von 1941 - Part 5                                
Amandus Kupfer: Das Buch von 1941 - Part 4                                
Amandus Kupfer: Das Buch von 1941 - Part 3                                
Amandus Kupfer: Das Buch von 1941 - Part 2                                
Amandus Kupfer: Das Buch von 1941 - Part 1                                

In der Erstausgabe "Der gute Menschenkenner" August 1932 wurde die natürliche Rangordnung auf der Grundlage der Original-Menschenkenntnis von unserem Privatgelehrten Carl Huter aus Norddeutschland den Leserinnen und Lesern vorgestellt.

In Zeitung Nr. 2 September 1932 wurde ADOLF HITLER an Hand seines Bildes, siehe Bild eben nach dieser einzigartigen Menschenkenntnis, insbesondere KRAFTRICHTUNGSORDNUNG, dezidiert dargelegt.



Publiziert im Jahr 1932 bevor Januar 1933 wohlgemerkt!

In der Denkschrift 1962 von der Frau von Amandus Kupfer, Käthe Kupfer, AmKupfer verstarb 1952, beschreibt diese, daß ein psychologischer Kunstgriff getätigt wurde bei der publizierten Beschreibung von ADOLF HITLER in Nr. 2 von 101 Zeitungen. Die direkten Beschreibungen über Cromwell bezogen sich in Wahrheit auf Adolf Hitler, deshalb oben die entsprechende Zusammenführung Text und Bild von ADOLF HITLER zur Verdeutlichung. Im damaligen Wahlkampf der Nazipartei 1932 / 1933 empfahl sich ja ADOLF HITLER seinen Wählern im damaligen Deutschen Reich / DEUTSCHLAND bräuche eine Cromwell Natur, um niederliegendes Deutschland wieder nach vorne zu bringen.

JAHR 1933

Herausgeber und Publizisten, die 1932 / 1933 ADOLF HITLER undiplomatisch und direkt publizistisch angriffen, beispielsweise ein Herausgeber Gerlich in München, "Hat Hitler Mongolenblut", wurden noch im Jahr 1933 der Machtübergabe an ADOLF HITLER im damaligen NAZI-DEUTSCHLAND ermordet!

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