Ordered Censored by Trump: Swedish Medical Associations Says White Helmets Murdered Kids for Fake Gas Attack Videos
Ordered Censored by Trump: Swedish Medical Associations Says White Helmets Murdered Kids for Fake Gas Attack Videos | Veterans Today
http://www.veteranstoday.com/2017/04/06/swedish-medical-associations-says-white-helmets-murdered-kids-for-fake-gas-attack-videos/[Immortality and exponential expansion into the universe will come after final cabal defeat]
as its called, means “death by government,”
I'm gonna go ahead and share this bit of timely temporal (potentially predictive) information:

...On Tuesday, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is expected to attend the country's Supreme People's Assembly, a high-profile gathering of the nation's leading political figures.
The meeting comes days before North Korea celebrates the April 15 birthday of deceased leader Kim Il Sung, Kim's grandfather -- amid speculation that Pyongyang will mark the occasion with bytesting missiles or possibly a nuclear device. [...]
Many analysts believe the movement of US warships is likely defensive in nature, setting the stage for a scenario in which the Vinson strike group could be called upon to perform a missile intercept. [...]
This is a minor component of a much larger ongoing STRUG discussion on the explosive "2017: The Year We Go Nuclear" pattern detected early April.

Ordered Censored by Trump: Swedish Medical Associations Says White Helmets Murdered Kids for Fake Gas Attack Videos | Veterans Today
Trump and McMaster Ordered US Army Cyber Command to "take out VT's servers" to prevent you from reading this article...according to congressional source
President Trump is now threatening to take America into a war against Syria, Iran and even Russia, a war he says is justified by “evidence” he has received from the Syrian White Helmets.
We will prove beyond any doubt that this is a “Deep State” organization, a melding of CIA, al Qaeda and Britain’s intelligence services.
We now have “slam dunk” proof that Trump and the “fake news” MSM are and always have been in lockstep, playing us all.
Actor George Clooney knew that the organization Swedish Doctors for Human Rights had cited the “White Helmets” as child killers when he produced the Oscar winning propaganda video that may well have led to this latest outrage.
The organization, SWEDHR is very real, their work authoritative and their indictment of the White Helmets for killing children in order to stage propaganda videos would have been known to Clooney and Netflix.
They went ahead anyway. Why?
Moreover, Google itself is involved, at war with this group and others, censoring them from their search engines. The information here will be new to Americans.
Please note that at no time has the White House or any western media acknowledged the controversy regarding the White Helmets, which we allege is part of al Qaeda’s propaganda operations. Nor is any mention of the dozens of proven gas attacks by FSA, ISIS and al Nusra which are suddenly “forgotten” as though by magic.
The White Helmets, supposedly an independent NGO, receives up to $100m from the CIA and UK Foreign Office, “dark project” funding. Murdering children is their stock and trade as we will prove. Sharing headquarters with Turkish Intelligence in Gaziantep, Turkey this organization is far more “death squad” than civil defense. Please review the included videos.
Manipulation statt Information ?
" So bringt ein Drecksblatt Tag für Tag die deutsche Sprache um, um auch dem mörderischsten Krieg einen gebildeten Anstrich zu verleihen.
Am Beispiel eines süddeutschen Drecksblattes "
Link zum Artikel: http://www.rationalgalerie.de/home/die-sprach-moerder.html
"*" Auszug aus dem Artikel vom Autor: U. Gellermann - 10. April 2017
[NB W. Timm / Helioda1 / CHZA: Carl Huter "CAUTION HYPNOSIS!"]
Ordered Censored by Trump: Swedish Medical Associations Says White Helmets Murdered Kids for Fake Gas Attack Videos | Veterans Today
Children Murdered for Propaganda Videos
Swedish Doctors For Human Rights (swedhr.org) analysed videos, the rescue after an alleged attack by Syrian government forces.
The doctors found that the videos were counterfeit, where even Arabic stage directions were overheard, and that the alleged “Rescue” in actuality is a murder.
On first analysis, it looked as though the doctors working on the child assumed he was already dead.
However, after broader investigation, our team ascertained that the boy was unconscious from an overdose of opiates.
The video shows the child receiving injections in his chest, perhaps in the area of the heart and was eventually killed while a clearly fake adrenaline injection was administered.
This was a murder.
The doctors determined in its analysis:
• The video should be life-saving measures after a chemical attack with chlorine gas (now claimed to be Sarin-not possible), including injection of adrenaline via syringe with a long needle into the heart of an infant. In no way were treatments correctly given for any potential chemical agent.
• The handling and treatment of the child was done in a manner that was careless, dangerous and likely to cause serious harm.
• Most telling is the fake repeated shots of adrenalin, supposedly into the heart. The medical personnel, and I think we can safely call them actors at this point, failed to push the plunger on the needle. Thus, the contents of the syringe were never injected as is clearly visible in the video itself.
• The visible diagnosis by a team of actual medical experts, based on what is observed in the video, indicates that the child was suffering from an injection of opiates and was likely dying of an overdose. There is no evidence of any other agent, chemical or otherwise.
• None of the children in the videos showed any sign of being a victim of a chemical attack. From an earlier video by the White Helmets:
• It was clear that the faked injection with the long needle administered through the stitches murdered the child in the video. This was a purposeful killing staged to appear as medical treatment.
• Behind the fake translation of the videos, the actual Arabic included stage directions for positioning the child for the video, not for medical treatment.
• The videos were on the White Helmets-channel “Syrian civil defense in idlib province” uploaded. The videos were produced by the White Helmets, together with the organization “coordinating sarmin”, their logo a black jihadist flag (Al Qaeda). In the video are also white helmets to see.
God Bless the Swedes – Chairman de Noli
The Chairman of the association, Professor Prof. Marcello fer rada de Noli, published at the beginning of March 2017 a first article with an analysis of the case: “Swedish Doctors for Human Rights: White Helmets video, macabre manipulation of dead children and staged chemical weapons attack to justify a” No-fly Zone “in Syria”.
This was followed by more macabre discoveries in the videos not seen initially in the article White Helmets Movie: Updated Evidence from Swedish Doctors Confirm Fake Life Saving Practices Injure Children.
The collective findings of the Swedish doctors (swedhr) with regard to the propaganda and fakery by al-Qaeda in Syria: (Al Nusra) are in line with the findings of leading German and International Scientists for Syria War.
Ferrada de Noli is the founder and chairman of Swedish Doctors for Human Rights (SWEDHR),[36] a non governmental research organization integrated by a group of professors and doctors operating in health-related areas, aimed to the research and report of effects of war atrocities in civil populations, torture of prisoners and human rights transgressions.
The organization implements its endeavour in the following areas: country-scenarios were civil populations have been targeted by war crimes, transgressions by the part of governments on the human rights of individuals exposing war crimes, individual cases of doctors subjected to human rights violations, and research on the effects of torture in prisoners. See further description in the organization’s Manifest.[37]
The first elected board of SWEDHR was composed by Leif Elinder, Marcello Ferrada de Noli (Chairman), Martin Gelin, Alberto Gutierrez, Ove B. Johansson, Lena Oske, Armando Popa, Anders Romelsjö (Vice-Chairman), Marita Troye-Blomberg, and Luz Varela.[38] In 2015 Ferrada de Noli founded with a group of European academics and publishers the magazine online The Indicter, being elected editor-in-chief.[39]
Swedish Professors & Doctors For Human Rights (SWEDHR) is an independent, non-profit, non-partisan, non-governmental organization engaged in the research and reporting on the effects of war-crimes, torture and human-rights transgressions on civilian populations or on individuals.
Additionally, we oppose governmental assaults on the human rights of individuals who have denounced war crimes or exposed serious infringements to the civil liberties of the population. Unlike other established Swedish human-rights organizations, Swedish Doctors For Human Rights is not sponsored neither fully nor partially financed by Swedish governmental institutions.
SWEDHR is a team formed with the participation of a number of Swedish professors, PhDs, medical doctors and university researchers in the medical sciences and health-related disciplines. This participation is purely voluntary and made on a private basis.
SWEDHR statements represent solely the members of this organization, not all Swedish doctors or any other institution or professional/academic association that the participants in SWEDHR are associated with. SWEDHR follows both the United Nations doctrine on Human Rights and ethical norms according to the World Medical Association’s Ethical Declaration of Helsinki. Read on our organization’s aims and rationale for its foundation at Swedhr’s Manifest.
At difference with other organizations of this type in Sweden, SWEDHR a) do not administrate funds of any kind, b) it does not hold neither asks economic sponsoring from any governmental, corporative or private institution; c) it does not collect fees (meddlemsavgift) from its supporters; d) it does not campaign on economic-related issues associated with our HR endeavours. We also believe that abstaining from the aforementioned possibility of external contributions is one way of maintaining absolute independence and credibility regarding unbiased reporting of HR issues.
SWEDHR is open for the altruistic participation of any interested doctor sharing the aforementioned research interests. Membership forms (full member or associate member) are described in our Bylaws. For questions, comments, or if you wish to contribute in our publications online, contact:
Die Khasarischen Satanisten offenbaren sich, indem sie aus Trump einen Zombie-Sklaven machen
Der Durchschnittsdeutsche ist nicht bei Bewusstsein
Willkommen in der Realität: Der Durchschnittsdeutsche ist nicht bei Bewusstsein
http://willkommen-in-der-realitaet.blogspot.de/2017/04/der-durchschnittsdeutsche-ist-nicht-bei.html?spref=fb"Die Mehrheit der gewöhnlichen Bevölkerung versteht nicht was wirklich geschieht. Und sie versteht noch nicht einmal, daß sie es nicht versteht." ...
Die Menschen verstehen es nicht, weil sie sich in einer Medientranche befinden.
Die Menschen lassen sich mit Sonderrechten, wie in einem großen Gefängnis halten - sie wählen Parteien und glauben stets, alles wird schon irgendwie gut werden.
Das die Bevölkerung eigentlich selbst der Lenker ihres Staates ist, versteht sie nicht, weil sie vom Schul- und Mediensystem, dumm gehalten wird.
Nun, wo die meisten Menschen wissen, daß sie von ihren Parteien nur betrogen worden, müsste ihnen doch bewusst werden, daß sie die Menschen sind, welche ihre Zukunft in die Hand nehmen müssen.
Haben die Menschen Angst vor sich selbst?
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